
Help needed for getting back into creating music.

category: general [glöplog]
oh and there's also max/msp and puredata, if you think "out of the box" means "fuck the chromatic scale" :)
added on the 2009-08-29 21:20:52 by Gargaj Gargaj
I do understand different people favour different pieces of software, (suppose that's what keeps us unique).
I just had this strange notion that is was "taboo" to not use trackers.
I suppose if you have a great sounding tune, who really cares what you made it with. :)
gargaj, you're even allowed to mix max/msp and traditional approaches :)
added on the 2009-08-29 22:05:11 by _-_-__ _-_-__
I'm kinda bit pissed really, tbh I'd be happier getting my sounds by sampling internally from the sounds created form various VST's, but unfortunatley my stinking OS won't do it. :(
i've allways been intrerrested with max/msp, but since the possibilities are more then unlimited, a 30 day trail was never enough.
i'd buy it if i'd use it to actually produce music, but i don't know if i could actually do anything with it, 30days was to short:(
...and there's no torrent for it (any help?)

also, i pretty much started with downloading every vst there is, tried everything, reformatted because of a virus, reinstalled only 6 vst's and kept using some of the modules from Ableton.
as for the music itself, i know my scales and such, had some theory from dolmetsch.com
for learning drum pattern i used to put on a song and tried to copy the drums in midi. started with pop, ended with japanese math-rock and breakcore.
I'm kinda bit pissed really, tbh I'd be happier getting my sounds by sampling internally from the sounds created form various VST's, but unfortunatley my stinking OS won't do it.

i'm not sure what kind of stupid OS you're using, but most VST capable music apps allow you to record individual channels directly to .wav (or whatever). I hook VSTs to their own channels in FL Studio 8 and and out put samples for use in modplug regularly.
added on the 2009-08-30 00:07:33 by button button
Ooops, my bad! On thinking about it, that's the easiest way. Cheers. :D
there are also wav-recording vst-s in case the host app doesnt - it's also a rather crude (and slightly unethical) way of circumventing renoise's demo limitation.
added on the 2009-08-30 01:59:21 by Gargaj Gargaj
Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'

This article is writte by a very good friend of mine : http://www.internetdj.com/article/how-i-create-electronic-music-1124. It has 10.000+ hits, if that is worth anything these days. Also search for the KLF manual.

Me, I just start with a concept, fire up renoise, start synth1 and search suitable samples.
added on the 2009-08-30 02:47:30 by numtek numtek
And generally, don't go crazy with the production side. It's very easy to overdo it and end up spending 10 hours on compressors and EQs and shit before even having a decent track. If the track is shit it will sound shit, be it in old General MIDI or with your crazy 400$ synths and 100 hours of mixing and mastering.

I agree to this. Be conscious about your production, but don't let it take center stage. You will improve your production skills with every tune you make, but you will make less tunes if you obsess too much on the engineering. After 10 hours of eqing a breakbeat, the inspiration that told you to import it will be long gone :(

I just had this strange notion that is was "taboo" to not use trackers.

If there was such a taboo, you should break it :)

The Norwegian Breakbeat Conspiracy endorse traditional DAWs. Irvin uses Logic (or maybe even Pro Tools by now), OptimizE uses Logic, Flipside is Pro Tools based, Gloom uses Acid, Kaktusen has become a Live addict and I use Cubase, and we're doing just fine (except for the persecution from the Finnish Noise Inquisition, of course).
added on the 2009-08-30 10:22:31 by lug00ber lug00ber
It's also quite funny how often, after hours of production/mixing work, the "polished" version turns out worse than the raw original.
added on the 2009-08-30 12:52:01 by _-_-__ _-_-__
that is true.
added on the 2009-08-30 12:55:58 by Gargaj Gargaj
Thanks guys, I've learned quite a lot from all this. Maybe I should get all these strange misconceptions out my head and get making some chooons. And to be perfectly honest, I'd honestly never even though of creating synths and breaks on a seperate bit of software, sampling that, then using that in another piece of production software. Another upside to it I suppose is with all those VST's they soon gobble up CPU time if you have a low powered machine.
Most modern DAWs allow you to "freeze" tracks aka pre-render the audio, when you need some extra CPU power.
added on the 2009-08-30 13:57:22 by tomaes tomaes
Irvin uses Logic (or maybe even Pro Tools by now), OptimizE uses Logic, Flipside is Pro Tools based, Gloom uses Acid, Kaktusen has become a Live addict and I use Cubase, and we're doing just fine (except for the persecution from the Finnish Noise Inquisition, of course).

I use Reason and Pro Tools... and rarely, but occasionally, Logic.
At work I use Pro Tools as well. Certified operator, BIATCH.

It's been probably 10 years since I last used a tracker. To me, that approach at producing and composing music is dead.
added on the 2009-09-13 22:59:29 by irvin irvin
I use Reason and Pro Tools... and rarely, but occasionally, Logic.

Reason, yay \o/ :)
added on the 2009-09-13 23:02:20 by Puryx Puryx
Had a quick mess with Reason, but for me it's bloody expensive. :(
Expensive? I don't get it.

Try Pro Tools where you need proprietary hardware, then we can talk.
added on the 2009-09-13 23:36:38 by irvin irvin
Pro Tools looks UBER expensive!
Expensive? I don't get it.

Try torrentzzzzzzz.
added on the 2009-09-14 00:45:34 by button button
oh and while we're at it:

added on the 2009-09-14 02:41:05 by Gargaj Gargaj

added on the 2009-09-14 10:36:53 by Rob Rob
Gargy must be having a bad monday. ;)
more like... i listened to the first self-titled album, and the first track ("distant lights" i think?) i thought was good, but then the rest of the album was just the same track with different channels muted out... it's not anywhere near e.g. Various Productions
added on the 2009-09-14 11:35:53 by Gargaj Gargaj
