Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
top 3 most retarded things you can do
1. post mangas on pouet.net
2. belive in 9/11 conspiricytheories
3. lator / dxm
4. Believe in the "official explanation" about something, just because "the officials" are saying so.
Sceneman helps you fighting against pouet trolls!
Ok, first of all, nice logo I actually really like it! Secondly, I'm so sorry it was too close to this word I kinda had to do it
Too close to a made up word?
oh fuck! I guess I wont go and fix that.
The eyes are unreal.. Is this photoshop or surgery?
top 3 most retarded things you can do
1. post mangas on pouet.net
2. belive in 9/11 conspiricytheories
3. lator / dxm
4. Believe in the "official explanation" about something, just because "the officials" are saying so.
1.5 write bullshit on the random image thread without posting any random image
@torus: maybe she's just wearing some of these
nice link. i was just going to post this model that someone made of an ayumi hamasaki picture.
computer generated
<img src="http://www.esemdesign.com/hexen/hotasianchick6kh.png">
computer generated
<img src="http://www.esemdesign.com/hexen/hotasianchick6kh.png">
fuck damn bbcode i forget sometimes
and i also drink and forget to post the damn pictures. even though i have not drank very much.
[quote]4. Believe in the "official explanation" about something, just because "the officials" are saying so. [/because]
5. Believe in it because everything else doesn't make the littlest sense
5. Believe in it because everything else doesn't make the littlest sense