
God is a spinning cube.

category: general [glöplog]
That's my faith.

fuck buhdah mohamhed jesus hitler and all those

just meditate on the spinning cube and it's all good

of course weed and absynthe are holy sacraments

buhdah mohamhed jesus hitler

added on the 2009-09-02 21:23:36 by decipher decipher
added on the 2009-09-02 21:29:15 by bdk bdk
how could a cube be confusing?
that's why it's such a beautiful thing
here's some more! but surely there's better?
there is the proof i need, cubes are manmade, so gods are manmade!
added on the 2009-09-02 21:45:31 by el mal el mal
Do we create cubes because we are human? Or are we human because we create cubes?
added on the 2009-09-02 21:51:39 by jua jua
everything in this universe is made up of tiny-weeny little cubes
added on the 2009-09-02 21:52:46 by blala blala
...or tetrahedrons! :D
But they're so hard to stack :| so the cube seems like the simplest option :)
added on the 2009-09-03 00:01:47 by bdk bdk

The sun is a cube, not a sphere. It only appears to be a sphere because it is spinning at a high velocity. All suns (i.e., stars) are cubes. Darkness intentionally designed the universe like this because on a metaphysical level, cubes (or more specifically, their 90-degree right angles) create strife, confrontation, and confusion.


Women are ultra-impressionable beings, and therefore are easily controlled by aliens and the elite. The main purpose of women on Earth (that is, what aliens have programmed them to do) is to enslave men via relationships. Women are obsessed with relationships and love (due to alien programming), and don't care about anything else in life. They would have men believe that being in a relationship is one of the most important things in existence, not realizing that men couldn't care less about being in a relationship--and rightly so. Furthermore, women force men to waste their precious time and resources on them. This demonic charade (i.e., relationships) has gone on for far too long and obviously has no end in sight. Thus, you can blame women for the downfall and utter hopelessness of humanity.

more at: Truthism.com - Your #1 Source for the Truth
added on the 2009-09-03 01:04:31 by martin martin
added on the 2009-09-03 01:13:58 by martin martin

What I was trying to say is "fuck all this philosophical wankery."

It's all about the cubes, for me.

Now show me your favorite cubes.
@martin. I read that theory too, it made me laugh.
Looks like it's taken from one of the Taiwanglish manuals I have lying around somewhere... :D
added on the 2009-09-03 07:58:24 by Photon Photon
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Sweet. Sign me up as a believer
added on the 2009-09-03 08:54:18 by sjaak sjaak
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added on the 2009-09-03 09:05:55 by kurli kurli
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added on the 2009-09-03 09:58:36 by raer raer
let us pray

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added on the 2009-09-03 11:40:44 by psenough psenough
"For tonight......
GOD ... is a DJ" - Faithless

Of course! Now the pieces fall into place... God is a spinning cube and Jesus was a demomaker... and on E's. Demoscene is the new religious dogm!
added on the 2009-09-03 20:08:01 by Frost Frost
or is it that god is a dj, spinning cubes instead of records ?
tho i think i prefers frost's explication, all makes sens now.
added on the 2009-09-03 20:49:09 by BarZoule BarZoule
Mankind Suckz by iq 2000 also features the cuborg and the cubiztor.
added on the 2009-09-03 20:55:41 by martin martin
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added on the 2009-09-16 02:16:32 by ham ham
