Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Ya I was northern Europe a week ago and holy shit it was STUPID hot!
i'll stick with OS4.1, thanks.
i'll stick with OS4.1, thanks.
yes! shit happens!
hehe, just checked, his not on FB anymore.... LOOOL
I need some massive help... Awhile ago there was someone that made a video of all the random images in this thread. It was set to music that was used in some type of side scrolling flight game. youtube removed his/her video and now I cannot figure out who the artist was.
Anything ?
Anything ?
I have the vid, but I'm sure it's hosted here, if not I'll upload tomorrow.
That was me. The video is at http://napalm.sf.cz/randomimagevideo.avi (140M)
And that game is Jets'n'Guns, highly recommended :)
Awesome! thank you snoutmate.
yeah, totally the fucking rad
old, but always funny :D
old, but always funny :D