category: general [glöplog]
Some of us in the scene feel we need a place to bitch about anything and everything. So here it is. Let me begin:
I'm hungry because I haven't eaten today because some pissed off Turkish coder called me from Finland this morning to wake me up :)
I'm hungry because I haven't eaten today because some pissed off Turkish coder called me from Finland this morning to wake me up :)
@AMD I don't get why the fuck it doesn't work on #ATI! Is the #ATI driver team full of morons?
Today I found an useless thread on pouet. Do you know which?
I found that last comment very very funny :)
@cryer Which one is useful anyways? #pouet
@Decipher: the Random image thread
RT @Decipher @cryer Which one is useful anyways? #pouet #OBAMA
@Ferris #pouet But I thought we already had one at http://rly.cc/h2CIU :(
kraftwerk was fucking awesome @flow
RT #followfriday @demoscenepouet @britneyspears we mizz MJ. greetingz to my 1000000000 follower. plz RT this msg.
RT @BITS I just did a massive shit and decided to release it on Pouet!
@Carbon- Pics or it didn't happen
@Slack - carbon pics or YOU didn't happen!!
@demoscenepouet Twitter Emulator Released http://pouet.net/topic.php?which=6700
@Hexen: NO WAY!! I gotta try that!
@Decipher: "Is the #ATI driver team full of morons?" yes? <insert 137 characters of junk here. by the way, 1/137 is the fine structure constant>
RT (via @Ferris) @Hexen: NO WAY!! I gotta try that!
eating a sandwich.
the google logo is pretty awesome today http://www.google.com
I counted...I really do have 10 toes.
taking a dump
@Ferris That's amazing! Is is really true?
@ k30