Stuff we've seen on ASMtv
category: general [glöplog]
plek: finland time is dutch time + 1 hour :)
christ on a stick..
Arh, I missed all but the last 1.5 demos...
Ah, OK. I gather I didn't really miss anything, then. :-p
Fairlight/CNCD/Orange is going to win for sure!
Ah, OK. I gather I didn't really miss anything, then. :-p
There were actually a few other good ones as well, e.g. the Matt Current demo. This compo was better than at Breakpoint IMHO. Less stuff, more enjoyable (better quality? - maybe).
Enjoyed the Frameranger demo from CNCD, Fairlight & Orange at Assembly 2009, but... it is not a new No1 for me.
stuff i've not seen: the demo compo. DRAT.
(most propably) stoned Andy.
Watched the compos here on a beamer and enjoyed the a lot!

As the 4k-winner said; I also think Frameranger will appeal to gamers because of the Need for Speed, Transformer look...
decide for yourself:
decide for yourself:
wtf! why is okkie yellow?
can someone put names to that pic? well, i know at least four..
phoenix: from left to right; meaty, ??, ne7, ??, ??, gasman, me (decipher), truck
oh and at the back, okkie obviously :D
wow okkie looks like some funky paper standee!
okkie, by andy warhol..
and evilpaul is 2nd from left, afaik.
and evilpaul is 2nd from left, afaik.
so what is up with asmtv's affinity for brits? finns can't stand their own accents when speaking english? :)
Indeed... it wasn't a deliberate decision, just that us Brits were (mostly) the only ones foolhardy enough to agree to it :-) Anyone who wants to redress the balance for next year, you know what to do...
Yeah, Frameranger felt like it was deliberately using gamer themes to go for the audience but still was interesting as art too. :P
As seen through ASMtv, my favourite part of the party were again the compostudios.
I hope those will be rebroadcast -- asmtv was unusable in the states...
not only there apparently.. it didn't work on saturday (past 2 am) here, either (.de) (stream did not load)
does anyone here happen to have a link for the cooking show with Noora at assembly tv from 2009?
(the compo studios were pretty funny this year, btw!)
(the compo studios were pretty funny this year, btw!)