
Move to Evoke 2009!

category: general [glöplog]
Haohmaru: where are you hiding? :D
For those that have trouble getting on the IRC server (i.e. "unauthorized connection"): it's basically just IRCNet (you need to connect to a local mirror, see: http://www.ircnet.com/index.php?&p=5).
added on the 2009-08-01 01:04:31 by Agilo Agilo
singing and playing guitar can be difficult while drunk
added on the 2009-08-01 10:47:24 by shadez shadez
Is Evoke using Partymeister?
added on the 2009-08-01 21:26:38 by Salinga Salinga
Next time please fix the stream, or clearly explain how it is broken and what to do so it can be watched.
added on the 2009-08-01 22:51:43 by numtek numtek
ALL, please go away from the stream so we in darkliteminimongomeeting can see the demo compo.....c'mon...go away....now...yes...go AWAY or the darklitekaratekid will KILL you with NINJA STAB-OUT-YOUR-EYES trick
BB Image
added on the 2009-08-02 00:37:53 by tFt tFt
just come to TRSAC - no need to wait for stream - lovely pantsless danes live :)
Other than that - nice compos at Evoke - congrats!
added on the 2009-08-02 01:15:43 by Puryx Puryx
Is evoke using pantymeister?
added on the 2009-08-02 01:31:32 by bfx bfx
ZVOKZ - the party of invitations!
boozing in progress! :D
added on the 2009-08-02 02:35:13 by Alpha C Alpha C
enjoyed watching the compo stream. thanks dtv and thanks evoke orgas!
added on the 2009-08-02 02:46:49 by nosfe nosfe

// Background
// Dots apo panw
// Dots fatsa monster
// sun
// Dots fatsa monster meta
// dots water
//parcel face
// train tracks
// An object
// trumpet 2 horn 2
// men trumpet
// last cornet with train
// big horn
// big trompone
// flute
// water
// water 2
//second train
//razor 2
//razor 2 second trombone
// dots greetings
// greetings road
// motorcycle falling
// boats falling
// train tracks bibycle
// bicycle
// ak47 road

yes, it was all there.
damn, should have printed a checklist beforehand..
added on the 2009-08-02 11:38:35 by leijaa leijaa
someone should paste that list into a comment on the prod, and save SoLo2 a job.
added on the 2009-08-02 11:43:13 by gasman gasman
good one, gasman ;)
thanxalot for another superb party :D
the new location rocks !
what c0c00n said :)
added on the 2009-08-02 16:16:34 by SiR SiR
Just starting to release the live footage captured during the compos, point your browser here, and if you have the possibility, subscribe so you'll be informed as and when more videos are added.

I have ~15gb of footage captured in full HD, so once I've had a nice rest i'll get to work on the fun party report thingy.

Was a great party, and was a hell of a lot of fun!
added on the 2009-08-02 18:57:13 by m0d m0d
Thanks a lot to all the cool people who made this happend and all the cool people that I've met this weekend! cTrix's live act was amazing, the compos were really great and it was a really really nice demoparty!
Saga Musix: Shame we did not get to talk a lot, but I wanted to thank you again for the DVD drive.

Now to get some rest and do the trolling feuled by hazy recollections tomorrow ;)
added on the 2009-08-02 21:08:14 by Haohmaru Haohmaru
very cool party, nice new location, people and some quality releases. everything a good party needs. thank you!
added on the 2009-08-02 21:35:46 by gopher gopher
Saga Musix: Shame we did not get to talk a lot, but I wanted to thank you again for the DVD drive..

True. Well, there are still enough upcoming parties to compensate that. :D
Evoke 2009 - CMath 4k Intro Wannabe by TGGC & Turri 64k Compo

Since there's no prod up yet to post the footage on, here it is
added on the 2009-08-02 22:34:57 by m0d m0d
Evoke 2009 - Bunkerparty Invitro by Dienstagstreff (Live Footage, Alternartive Platform)

Sorry about all the multiposts, but i'm kinda hoping to go to bed SOON, but since these prods aren't up on pouet yet, when they are someone else can inform the folks of these videos or just check them from here, whatever :)
added on the 2009-08-02 22:49:54 by m0d m0d
Thanks for a good party guys

+ being able to come thursday, start coding some, staying at pandurs place and taking a few beers
+ ũber location, very demo like
+ keeping lights off during the party. small feat but major impact. could have some table lights or some but I guess we have to bring our own :-)
+ all the cool productions, really was nice to see and listen to all the compos!
+ superb volume on the PA system throughout the party. was just loud enough that you didn't need earprotection and it sounded ace IMO!
+ improvised compo on topy's machine... sure looked like a lot of fun and I would like more of these kind of improvised events at partys.. real cool!

- not coding enough at home to enjoy the party even more on location
added on the 2009-08-03 20:23:08 by thec thec
