
[collection thread] iZ3D - Free Anaglyph 3D Driver *compatible* Demos & Intros

category: general [glöplog]
Hi folks,

as you might share this opinion, it's a great experience to watch demo stuff. But it's even greater if you could watch it in "REAL 3D" as most of the stuff is 3D only shown on a 2D Panel.

With the iZ3D Driver - ATI/NVIDIA compatible, Freeware - you can watch a lot of DirectX Stuff in Real 3D - and the only required equipment are simple red/cyan-"Glasses" (free Anaglyph-Mode) you can buy for less 1$ everywhere !

Unfortunately not all of the demo stuff works with it, but the things that work are great to watch ! So lets start a list with tested Demos !

The following are proven iZ3D compatible:

Dead Ringer

fr-030: candytron

Zoom 3

Memories from the MCP

the war is over

Would be nice if some of you could append running stuff ..

So long


added on the 2009-07-19 00:28:05 by LCS LCS
What does it do in terms of vertex transformation? If I use custom matrices is it smart enough to "guess" what my camera is?
added on the 2009-07-19 01:36:57 by xernobyl xernobyl
I seem to remember the big problem with this kind of text is overlays.. it can give a decent guess of the transforms to put the 3d part into good 3d, but the overlays usually end up at screen level (which means inside an object or something, not good :)

That said, yeah, stuff in 3d really rules. I'll have to try it some time (still haven't managed to find me a pair of those red/blue glasses)
added on the 2009-07-19 01:55:18 by psonice psonice
Doesn't work here. The driver is installed but only the test object is rendered in anaglyph 3D. But no application renders in anaglyph (also no demo).
added on the 2009-07-19 03:49:35 by Salinga Salinga
@salinga: press the '*' on the keypad to turn it on and adjust separation with +/- on the keypad :)
added on the 2009-07-19 11:46:00 by substrate substrate
...and i highly RECOMMEND watching theta/farbrausch (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=15092), it's just a perfect demo for the 3D glasses
added on the 2009-07-19 12:01:20 by substrate substrate
what about rushhour ?!?!?!?
added on the 2009-07-19 13:42:09 by el mal el mal
maali: that demo is too perfect for this.
added on the 2009-07-19 14:00:24 by decipher decipher
Well, how about some anaglyph captures to share?
added on the 2009-07-19 14:14:06 by Salinga Salinga
Some compatible 4k Stuff !





So long

added on the 2009-07-21 01:55:37 by LCS LCS
Whoa! Would love to see how people get on with this...! :)
added on the 2009-07-21 10:53:10 by rc55 rc55
If it lacks of red/cyan, yellow/blue, red/green glasses, that are required to watch stuff in Anaglyph mode, here you get some



... and so on ... :-)

btw: wanna make your own 3D anaglyph photos ? Easy as pie ! Just take two photos of the scene in a horizontal distance of about 6 cm and combine with that fucking awsome freeware


So long


added on the 2009-07-21 21:47:35 by LCS LCS
what Salinga said
added on the 2009-07-21 21:51:17 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
... these provided demos work with iZ3D. Unfortunately a lot of other stuff doesn't (don't know the reasons, possibly of DirectX hacks or use of OpenGL).

If iZ3D doesnt seem to work just prove, that you have enabled iz3d - if a compatible demo/game starts you'll see the iz3d "wizard" that indicates everything is alright. Of course you may have to set up separation and convergence variables to get best 3D images.

I'll try to make some screenshots ..
added on the 2009-07-21 22:16:15 by LCS LCS
Na, not screenshots, I mean videocaptures. kkapture doesn't work?
added on the 2009-07-21 22:35:08 by Salinga Salinga
Okay, here we go, first a screenshot - You see Candystall intro in forced windowed mode with DXWnd and running IZ3D Driver.

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added on the 2009-07-21 22:48:21 by LCS LCS
Works also nice with Google Earth:
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added on the 2009-07-21 23:50:08 by Salinga Salinga
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added on the 2009-07-22 02:15:15 by Salinga Salinga
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added on the 2009-07-22 03:20:51 by Salinga Salinga
The Everest and Manhattan images are really cool with the glasses on :-) Especially if you move your head sideways.
added on the 2009-07-22 13:42:56 by evil evil
Aww, I have 'i-glasses' from 1995 that work with 2 horizontally interlaced images from different angles (looks way better than red/green). But I see only the comemrcial verison of iZed supports that :(

Anyone know of a freeware utility?
added on the 2009-07-22 21:18:35 by spitfire spitfire
NVidia supports anaglyph since 2006
And this software was able to work with some other 3d technology.

It's been a long time since then however and I don't know if:
-It still works
-It supports your special hardware

And, of course, it won't work with an ATI card :)
so, is it possible to upload those 3dish demos to youtube with yt3d:enable=true??? so many users without those hardware are able to watch to it too (like me....) :)
added on the 2009-07-22 22:07:55 by dcclark dcclark
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added on the 2009-07-22 22:55:18 by Salinga Salinga
