Move to Evoke 2009!
category: general [glöplog]
... Ok so our dearest NS seems to enjoy plotting the most bizarre routes (*). What about Arnhem or Nijmegen?
(*) - get to Arnhem. Head for Frankfurt, then Muenchen before heading back to Arnhem but getting out at Emmerich <- no wonder it will take nearly a day!
(*) - get to Arnhem. Head for Frankfurt, then Muenchen before heading back to Arnhem but getting out at Emmerich <- no wonder it will take nearly a day!
Sweet Jesus that route is ridiculous! Especially considering that Emmerich is like pissing over the border from the Netherlands. You could take a train to Zevenaar and WALK to Emmerich and be faster :)
Haohmaru: there's a direct bus connection to Kleve and Emmerich from Nijmegen. So as long as you manage to get to Nijmegen, all should be fine :).
Alpha C: Nijmegen it shall be then! Now all I need to do is sort out some sort of bus schedule and decide what to pack.
that route should pass Lisbon, btw...
And Peniche, just 90 km north :)
haohmaru: jeps we'll go from nijmegen to kleve i think (would be easiest).. good to have you on board ;)
bus schedule nijmegen-kleve-emmerich
nijmegen-kleve is 6 "strippen", nijmegen-emmerich is 8 (you can use a regular dutch "strippenkaart" on this german busline, in fact it's cheaper than buying german tickets =))
train ticket price is 34eur/day for upto 5 ppl (we're 4 now, so it's 8,50/person for each direction, 17 total)
the busstops in lisbon and penis have regretfully been scrapped from the schedule, tho :|
nijmegen-kleve is 6 "strippen", nijmegen-emmerich is 8 (you can use a regular dutch "strippenkaart" on this german busline, in fact it's cheaper than buying german tickets =))
train ticket price is 34eur/day for upto 5 ppl (we're 4 now, so it's 8,50/person for each direction, 17 total)
the busstops in lisbon and penis have regretfully been scrapped from the schedule, tho :|
only a 2 days left \o/
welcome to dr. mo, the 5th passenger on the dutch schoolreisje to evoke! :)
Just two more nights and we're off!
I only need to sort out ye ole portable sleeping gear (not looking forward to placing my sleeping bag directly on the floor).
Speaking of things that need sorting out, anyone bringing a USB DVD drive? My eee peecee needs recovering due to partition blight :( I can offer a free beer and/or random substances to whoever can help me out.
@Maali: toverballen voor het schoolreisje zijn ingeslagen, hoop dat een halve kilo genoeg is? ;)
I only need to sort out ye ole portable sleeping gear (not looking forward to placing my sleeping bag directly on the floor).
Speaking of things that need sorting out, anyone bringing a USB DVD drive? My eee peecee needs recovering due to partition blight :( I can offer a free beer and/or random substances to whoever can help me out.
@Maali: toverballen voor het schoolreisje zijn ingeslagen, hoop dat een halve kilo genoeg is? ;)
Haohmaru: I can even give this one that's lying around here if you bring a PSU + USB cable for the drive, because I only have a drive and no cables and I don't need it.
@Saga Musix: You rule! What kind of PSU and cable is needed for your drive?
Haohmaru: problem is, i don't know exactly. I got the drive from a friend, so I can only give you the information that's printed on it. And it only says that it needs 12V DC. It's a LG GSA E10L, so maybe you can figure that out. You'll need a bog-standard USB-A on USB-B cable.
Saga Musix: USB cable is not a problem (I have two external usb/network drives that use the same type) and judging by a photo I found I think my universal PSU (Alecto GS-4000) should be able to power it. Assuming it needs 12V DC, maximum 2.5 A and I don't forget the adapters ;)
oh yes, it also says 2.0 A. :)
just returned from building up the location... see ya all tomorrow!
Haohmaru: next question is of course, who will I find you or how will you find me! :P I guess I'll be available on IRC as soon as I've set up my computer, or you could have a look at slengpung :P
@Saga Musix: I did check out slengpung, but to decrease the amount of time staring at random people thinking 'are you...?', you'd best look out for someone wearing a light blue t-shirt with roughly 26 MSX logos on it ;)

a basketball court, weehee! please clear it up before i arrive! :P
hao: i know sagamusix, i can do a fingerpointy at him and giggle, so you know it's him!
do I see a bunch of ImagePros there? Does that mean you... LEARN? OMG :)
im nearly finished with my rob is jarig entry. this year we'll win again!