Movies you must see before you die
category: offtopic [glöplog]
If you are into horror, please don't miss "[REC]" (the 2007 original, not the fckng us-remake!). At all costs: WATCH IT. That's oldschool horror.
Looking forward to [REC] 2 :)
ca$h was good indeed. the original short was even better.
oh wait, no, I meant cashback:

Let the right one in: pretty good! Thanks 'The Goofy DJ'!
the first 3m30 of days of thunder is amongst the best intros in movie making history :-)

I'm specially impressed by philip seymour hoffman in this one... he's starting to become one of my favorite actors.

Ahh the rocky horror picture show... good times they were. I wonder if it's still being played in my city

Bit of confusion as to when we'll get to see it over here, but I can see it being a classic.

(And that must be the crappiest poster for an excellent film I've ever seen)
Buckethead, "toucha toucha toucha touch me, i wanna be dirty !!!!" XD

edge of heaven, directed by fatih akin

Magic: you are to be kidding me with that transhumanism propaganda crap!

Chilling movie about eugenics, police state with a lot of occult stuff in plain site ... creepy in it's way.
Adapted from the novel by Margaret Atwood.

Chilling movie about eugenics, police state with a lot of occult stuff in plain site ... creepy in it's way.
Adapted from the novel by Margaret Atwood.