
Google Chrome OS

category: general [glöplog]
I expect to have no opinion on Chrome OS until I've actually tried it for a week or two. That may not be for another 12 months or so.
I expect them to call it Project Bobdroid, not this Chrome nonsense.
added on the 2009-07-09 19:15:49 by m0d m0d
BB Image
added on the 2009-07-09 19:18:40 by El Topo El Topo
i expect it to be as awesome as google image search
added on the 2009-07-09 22:35:45 by dodke dodke
I expect you to die, Mr. Bond.
thom, you're still around!
added on the 2009-07-10 00:17:22 by el mal el mal
in other news, brrrr a google os. these guys are getting more evil and scary by the second. am i the only one here who dislikes google the way nazis dislike jews?
I don't think many people would willingly liken themselves to Nazi's, so I guess you are.

However if you were to say "Am I the only person here who's spooked by Google like Jews are spooked by Nazis?" Then I would have to say yes.

But then I think... Is it any worse than what Microsoft are already attempting to do? At least the Google OS would be free.
I don't think many people would willingly liken themselves to Nazi's, so I guess you are.

you must be german!
added on the 2009-07-10 07:38:52 by skrebbel skrebbel
