category: residue [glöplog]
But Scarab still sucks :(
where is teh pr0n?
Japan ..... why do you still use little pieces of wood to eat
So i recently went to japan...... (when i say we i mean myself, ern and nes)
got back a few days ago and now its time to start hating on it
Japan how do i hate thee let me count the ways (Japan Hate asakusabashi and Nerdkihabara)
So i get off the plane and im like this isnt so bad where is this heat i keep hearing about?
I Walk through the airport... um let me rephrase that i escalator through the airport
Wait wtf people are to fucking lazy to walk and need escalators to carry them across level ground
So after i get over that i continue through the airport to the exit. I walk outside and the first thing that crosses my mind is what the fuck is this heat? Did they drop me off in Africa instead of tokyo?
Ill get the weather rant over right away. Shit is like africa heat without the fuckin lions and tigers
and if its not hot its fuckin raining and then as soon as the fuckin rain stops it gets hotter than before.Shit is retarded. that is why almost everyone is stick fuckin thin there.
So i have to take a $30 bus called the airport limosuine to tokyo from narita airport
we get going and eventualy stop at another station to pick up more people who come and sit down... until they see my white ass then they make for the back of the fuckin bus.
Now you must be thinking sure.. that didnt really happen. But i assure you that it did.
These fucks are like 1950's america racist which i would find out in the coming weeks.
So after my first bout with racism we get to tokyo station and go to the jr line and take the train.
There i encounter even more racism as i sit down and a whole fuckin row of people gets up or moves away really fuckin fast. I of course start laughing. This happened many times throughout my 3 week stay.
I even got many a look when a seat would free up on the train like motha fucka you best not sit here. And this was from some old ass people. Guess them atomic weapons we hit their asses with 60 years ago are still affecting their brains. it was as if i had parachuted over the areas and dropped the bomb with my own hands and rode the shockwave out of their while mooning them the enitre way. Oh wait i did mention they are racist as fuck right?
So we get off the train and start looking for this hostel we are staying at. Its brand new and has something to do with ninjas.
We find it fairly easy and go and get settled in. Then go out looking for food.
We go to a curry place and eat and it was good so i was happy .... this time.
The next time we eat it was ramen which i was pretty suped to eat... till i couldn
t get a fork.
Japan seriously its thousands of years later and you are the most technologicaly advanced country in the world why do you still eat with little pieces of fuckin wood? Are your serious?
So i ask for a fork and they give me this shit that you feed a 2 year old with that has mickey mouse on it. Are you fucking serious? These motha fuckas wouldnt know what a real fork looked like if i had pulled out a blacksmith forge and made it in front of them.
So after i get over that i use the chop stick as best i can and then we leave and go back to the hostel so we can go to sleep.
The whole time i was in japan all i enjoyed or rather all i could stomch was beef bowls and curry
Ah japanese food let me count the ways in which i fucking hate you.
Sushi is the biggest pile of shit i have ever eaten.
Takoyaki is garbage as well.
Ramen is ok after u get use to the flavor of ass broth that they use as a broth base
Japanese snacks are bottom fuckin tier
Seriously tho whos idea was it to take thins wafer crackers and coat them in more salt than is humanly possible to eat. Its like hey i have an idea lets make crackers from shit then coat them in salt and see if the sell.
So i visited many arcades\game rooms while in japan
I had a blast at them for the most part...
Japan get rid of smoking in public places and join the rest of the fuckin civilized world for god sakes.
I think i got a touch of cancer or maybe sars....
While on the topic of sars some guy comes across the train platform with his lungs damn near coming out of his mouth from coughing. Im talking some resident evil type coughing.
Then i start seeing people with the white masks on everywhere so im like wtf is this shit.
I was like oh fuck they really still got some sars shit going on over here. It got to the point where every time i seen someone with one on i was like Ssssssaaaarrrrssssss mad loud.
Altho some people had them on to cover up herpes.... which i will not get into.LOL
So ern comes thru with the most god like of all inventions for me... wait for it .... here it comes .... THE MOTHER FUCKIN FORK.
YOU MUST BOW TO THE FORK FOR ITS POWER IS TO GREAT. And as we all know fork owns wood. Ern is truly a god among men for coming through with the save of epic proportions.
So we head to more game rooms and i stick to food that isnt gonna make me puke.
Now on to Nerdkihabara
Seriously though im not really big on the place.
White people in Nerdkihabara make me sad im white.
Im talking about the kinds of white people who look like they got picked on and made fun of since birth. The kind of white people that parents would love to trade into an adoption agency for a crack bacby with down syndrome. The kind of white people that all other white people pretend dont exist. These fucks looked like they were trying out for the newest revenge of the nerds movie.
Fuck who am i kidding the revenge of the nerds cast looked like heisman trophy winning super jocks next to ther Nerdkihabara whites.
Now these fucks weighed like 400 punds and had fanny packs on and shorts that would be 8 ft long on me but some how looked like daisy dukes on these fucks.
I was like wtf for the first time in my life im ashamed of my own race.
Now thin Nerdkihabarans you are not exempt.
Seriously stop running around with all the fuckin hentai and touching all the pvc naked figures tits.
This is the kind of kid you end up with if you dont fuck them up as a parent.
Parents for god sakes hit your kids when they fuck up.
Follow this guide its great http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=beat
Hopefully the majority of them hit the red light district or found another nerdkihabaran chick and learned its better to touch real women instead of inanimate figures.
This pretty much somes up the first few days of my trip
Every day i will post about a few more days i spent there
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![BB Image](http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x95/vgend/Hobby/Poesje2-11-08008.jpg)
So... you didn't like Japan?
i can has improved my 1337 h07linking skillz0rz, we don't suck no more \o/
![BB Image](http://stingray.untergrund.net/9984096.ResizeofDSCF0001.jpg)
![BB Image](http://stingray.untergrund.net/9984096.ResizeofDSCF0001.jpg)
Bunnies are evil. observe:
![BB Image](http://bayimg.com/image/haamhaace.jpg)
![BB Image](http://bayimg.com/image/paahfaacb.jpg)
![BB Image](http://bayimg.com/image/haamhaace.jpg)
![BB Image](http://bayimg.com/image/paahfaacb.jpg)
![BB Image](http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/6537/cat3000.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.cityofpensacola.com/library/upload/images/cat-computer-4.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.tewksburypl.org/images/computer%20cat.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.dulemba.com/Blogstuff/ComputerCat.jpg)
![BB Image](http://kecute.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/cat-computer.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.veryfunnycats.info/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/funny_cat_pictures_pc_2.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.veryfunnycats.info/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/funny_cat_pictures_pc_3.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.blog.new-cat.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/catiphone.jpg)
![BB Image](http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/5451/catsandwatertwoelementssj8.jpg)
![BB Image](http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/1496/1207942570545.jpg)
![BB Image](http://bayimg.com/image/eaboeaace.jpg)
![BB Image](http://z.about.com/d/urbanlegends/1/0/R/8/large_cat1.jpg)
![BB Image](http://image-photo.weather.com/42/F4/full/42F43D5F-86D6-4525-BA77-068FEBF07825.jpg)
When cats attack! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcxhOGyrCtI
![BB Image](http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/7247/catcatchesbat.gif)
![BB Image](http://de.fishki.net/picsw/062009/30/cats/003.jpg)
OMG! i can haxor t00
![BB Image](http://de.fishki.net/picsw/062009/30/cats/tn.jpg)
![BB Image](http://de.fishki.net/picsw/062009/30/cats/003.jpg)
![BB Image](http://de.fishki.net/picsw/062009/30/cats/012.jpg)
![BB Image](http://de.fishki.net/picsw/062009/30/cats/017.jpg)
So....how did you find the way in here?