Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]


lol thats not even a real gun? :D

what does a posh rich girl with orthodontic brackets among these Üntermensch?
long live stza crack
long live crack rock steady


Can someone explain that Islam over Europe image? Is that some sort of political movement?
zurt: What the...? Leftöver Crack are awesome!! Saw them live after the Fuck World Trade release. One of the best albums I've heard back that time!

BTW: If you like Crack Rock Steady, check out The Infested from the UK!

One of the best albums I've listend to in the past years.
Check them out: http://www.myspace.com/theinfested2004

BTW: If you like Crack Rock Steady, check out The Infested from the UK!

One of the best albums I've listend to in the past years.
Check them out: http://www.myspace.com/theinfested2004


If I had the money, that would be first on my list. ;)

Imagine the headlines when this bus has an accident: "Windows Vista crashes again"
That looks great, but can't beat a bicycle.
Also, the windows bus has no... .windows?
random image:

random image:

Is that Havoc on the right?

Let the posthumous leeching begin!