I want a "dispense real pizza from the printer" button
category: general [glöplog]
I want a button that causes my printer to generate real, edible pizza and dispenses it to the paper tray.
I am in complete agreement with this
I neither approve nor disapprove of this thread.
the pizza should also arrive cooked and ready to eat.
i went to an art gallery the other day, where a guy filled an inkjet printer with edible inks and edible wafer paper. you could print off a little paper version of chicken leg or toast with strawberry jam and then eat it
wafer paper is sort of tasty actually!
wafer paper is sort of tasty actually!
There's some hellishly expensive artsy restaurant somewhere in the US which has menus printed out using a inkjet like that - you can taste an approximation of the dish by eating that part of the menu..
close but no cigar:
Oh man, candyfab looks pretty tasty. If only they could use other ingredients as well

Here's some conceptual art showing what just a pizza-printer would look like. Draw your attention to the steam-lines raising from it, this is to emphasize it's deliciousness
It actually looks like an angry printer sticking out it's pizza-tongue
This would be ok for me:

saw a video showing the inside of the Wonder Pizza machine, but I can't find it atm.
so instead is some random peeps using one:
so instead is some random peeps using one:
Such a button actually exists. It's tag is [button type="pizza"]your credit number here[/pizza]
neptun: hmmm :))...
Soon, my friends. Very very soon
Soon, my friends. Very very soon
Best. Thread. Ever.
Pizza, CNC, Back to the Future...*claps*
Pizza, CNC, Back to the Future...*claps*
why? because walking to the door after ordering it online is too hard? There must be limits to laziness and I think I just found mine.
Here at Océ we have a division working on this. They're leveraging inkjet technology to not only spray ink but also cheese and tomato sauce. the pepperonis are a bit more difficult because they need very large spray pipes ("nozzles") to fit. but hey, it's a start.
Hehe. Skrebbel. You're at Océ? We have an Arizona here...