
Rewired 2009 on the horizon - June 26-28

category: general [glöplog]
Tired of those German parties ? Tired of schinken and wurst ? Not to mention the lousy excuse of yellow water described as 'beer' ?

You sorrows are over - because after a good first edition, where we confirmed that Belgium could handle a real demoparty again for over a decade in a kickass location, the Royal Belgian Beer Squadron and the Ultimate Meeting bring you the second edition of Rewired.

Place to be is Maaseik, Belgium from the 26th to the 28nd of June, 2009.

This location is ridiculously close to Holland (750 meters, really) and 50 kilometers from Aachen so you Dutch and German people have no excuse.

More info on the Website or the overhyped Web 2.0 Twitter stream.
added on the 2009-05-07 15:50:39 by franky-- franky--
Primula beer FTW!
added on the 2009-05-11 14:01:00 by DJefke DJefke
Must will have to come by!
added on the 2009-05-11 14:11:27 by okkie okkie
where are all the .cz demoparties? speaking about beer...
Well we might actually go for another Party Exclusive Beer this year - negotiations are pending ;)
added on the 2009-05-12 15:39:44 by franky-- franky--
A smalll impression of last years Rewired: Slengpung
added on the 2009-05-24 12:45:05 by DJefke DJefke
Also, for you facebook nuts, Fluffmans has an account!

Link me beautifull
added on the 2009-05-24 16:30:03 by Noctis Noctis
Remember to register!

Mmmmm proper beer at this one too :D
added on the 2009-05-29 15:10:49 by m0d m0d
Yeah, the beer (and the bar) is the killer feature of Rewired. But of course we have also the usual things like:
- Bigscreen with kick ass sound system
- Network and internet
- A _dark_ hall with enough space for everyone
- Free parking
- A meadow to chill out
added on the 2009-05-29 15:50:56 by DJefke DJefke
Count me in!
added on the 2009-05-29 16:00:19 by Alpha C Alpha C
Cool. I hate to ask though, but are there any day tickets or such? Or is the normal ticket so dirt cheap that I shouldn't have to bother about that? :-) I really want to drop by but will be very short on time..
added on the 2009-05-29 16:18:42 by skrebbel skrebbel
It's *SO* cheap, but I can't say the price out loud because it isn't official... yet... but please do come along, i want to see you partying in teh max without the orgaworry :D
added on the 2009-05-29 16:26:27 by m0d m0d
Come on franky, make some price announcements already :D
added on the 2009-05-30 23:32:20 by m0d m0d
Later today...
added on the 2009-05-31 09:38:41 by franky-- franky--
As posted on the website...

Entrance Fee

We've been getting the question a couple of times from multiple persons. It was clear that the entrance fee from last year, 25 euros, would be the guideline for the 2009 edition but - thanks to some sponsorship that will be anounced later - the price wil actually drop to 20 euro for a weekend of party'ing. A low 3-day ticket price does however lead to the cancelation of day-tickets.

Day Tickets

With the entrace fee dropping form 25 to 20 euro for the weekend, we will not have any day tickets.


While we could not make them "public" last year due to an agreemant with the hall owner, this year the showers WILL be available to visitors at set times that will be anounced on the bigscreen. So YES, there are showers and YES you can use them at set times.

Barbeque Of Death (Animals)

Pending nice weather - and if not we still have a roofed corner of the outside area to organize things - we will again have the Rewired Barbeque Of Death on saturday afternoon. You provide the stuff to throw on it, we will provide the metal and the heat to do your cooking. For vegetarians we will throw together a Barbeque Of Death (Mushrooms & Bell Peppers), not to worry...

Early Entrance ?

Can you get early entrance to the party place ? In general, no, the organizers only have access themselves on thursday evening and we really need the time to set up all the party features you kind of expect. So please try to stick to the earliest arrival time of friday afternoon.

Alternate Foodwaves

The comments concerning the foodwaves of last year have been taking into account and we have/are reworked/reworking the foodwave system. Yes there will still be foodwaves but in smaller numbers but in a bigger variety of munchables

Party Beer ?

Ah, the topic you thought we would never get to... Yes we will have a party beer and yes it will be another exclusive. Once the deal with the brewer/vendor has been finalized there will be a proper anouncement but if you have visited the organizers last Breakpoint you will know what to expect. It's not Primula, its something quite different...

Other Funstuff ?

Well, with some luck - and if budget allows it at the end when we have payed for the hall, beamer, bigscreen, audio setup, tables, chairs, network, garbage bags, toilet paper, electricity, water, organizer drinks and other unimportant things such as those mentioned here we could have a couple of boxes with 8bit cpu's and balls of steel...

Thats it ?

For now, so register...

added on the 2009-05-31 11:17:31 by franky-- franky--
coolie, for that price no day tickets are needed indeed! :-)
i guess i'll drop by for sure!
added on the 2009-05-31 20:21:24 by skrebbel skrebbel
Yes, skrebbel, you have no excuse now. ;-)

Also, i can assure you that the partybeer alone will be worth it :D

More details later by franky-- offcoooz
added on the 2009-05-31 21:40:33 by Noctis Noctis
skrebs ouwe, wanneer ga jij en vanaf waar?
added on the 2009-05-31 23:41:14 by okkie okkie
vanaf station sittard kun je overdag elk half uur of 's-avonds elk uur naar maaseik:

added on the 2009-06-01 00:09:49 by havoc havoc
@Party Beer: mmmm a bottle of Rochefort 10 would get me going along nicely :D

@BBQ: Are there many stores nearby?

IRC - More people should pop along to #rewired on IRCNet? :)

added on the 2009-06-02 14:26:31 by m0d m0d
okker, geen idee en ik zal het waarschijnlijk pas kort vtv weten. beste kans is zaterdag, en ik weet niet zeker of ik blijf slapen. oh, en vanaf eindhoven. in andere woorden, die sittard-link is best ok :-)
De Lijn (= het vlaamse nationale busbedrijf) is trouwens supercheapo qua bus, dus voor het geld hoef je't niet te laten, jsyk :-)

als je wilt, bel ik nog wel ff zodra ik't weet, kun je alsnog erbij jumpen als je zo kort wilt komen.
added on the 2009-06-02 19:27:41 by skrebbel skrebbel
To long from Sweden :(
Skrebbel, je kan ook gewoon met de fiets komen? ;)
added on the 2009-06-03 16:38:21 by DJefke DJefke
skrebs: ik kom ook zaterdag maar prolly wel tot zondag. het is wel gezellig met z'n 2en erheen karren, maar we zien wel dan :)
added on the 2009-06-03 16:47:38 by okkie okkie
Too long from Québec :(
added on the 2009-06-03 17:01:22 by BarZoule BarZoule
