Outline 2009 is a go!
category: general [glöplog]
guys, bring a bbq + own food like we did! it's the best solution for such a weather and such a location. and then you don't have to complain.
These people are hardly going face to face with someone to complain, like a person bringing bad meat back to a butcher, are they?
replace "bad meat" with "bad sunglasses and apparel" and "butcher" with "sports/fashion store employee" to make it an accurate description of what i was talking about ;)
i honestly do wonder if the complaining thing isn't one of those self invented myths dutch people like to tell about themselves without ever having done any proper research. you know, just like the typically dutch "tolerance" (hello geert wilders) and "scroogeyness" (hello dsb bank) :P
And about my wife, she generally doesn't complain if I don't
does she happen to have a twin sister by any chance? :-)
dipswitch: great idea!
shifter: i know mate! but still, i think it's a good idea to coordinate any thinking in that general direction ;)
shifter: i know mate! but still, i think it's a good idea to coordinate any thinking in that general direction ;)
havoc: lol :D
m0d .. point taken .. I was a bit too quick, but people complaining about something ridiculous (not this thread, just in general) and way off propositions can really raise my temper, but since it isn't my party, i should as well just cram it and make my own suggestion as well, in a kinda brainstorming way.
Shifter .. I havent said you can't cook, but i will hold my right to tell you after you made curry for us all next year ;)
Shifter .. I havent said you can't cook, but i will hold my right to tell you after you made curry for us all next year ;)
on to a completely different issue, really really nice with the videos m0d, but are all of them out of sync like kracht is? ...
(just to make it easier, click here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGyIDnESEQU )
(just to make it easier, click here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGyIDnESEQU )
ffs .. click here then
dwarf: Not all are out of sync, but some are, due to a broken camera here, pretty much explains whats going on with those. I'll have to try recapturing them again on another camera.
I recorded them on d-forces cam after mine died (CCD went all nosfe on me) and the playback/recording mechanism keeps on glitching out on my own cam since I had to give that one back to d-force.
I recorded them on d-forces cam after mine died (CCD went all nosfe on me) and the playback/recording mechanism keeps on glitching out on my own cam since I had to give that one back to d-force.
allright, that kinda explains it ;)
My own view was that the catering was adequate for party conditions. Maybe I was lucky as my food wasn't cold. Apart from the first night, it seemed to me that the caterers managed to avoid the epic delays of last year and deliver more or less on time.
I would be interested in alternatives if they become available to vary the pizza tradition a bit. like the sound of a curry (nom nom!) :-)
I would be interested in alternatives if they become available to vary the pizza tradition a bit. like the sound of a curry (nom nom!) :-)
hey guys! i thought the kebab was just as bad as home-order kebab always is so i didn't complain!
nevertheless, thanks for all the comments, they're appreciated! at the europen student club i used to organise events for, we always held the rule that the moment people complain about the food, it means the event is a success. imho, this holds for demoparties just the same, and i feel the last few pages of this topic clearly illustrate that :-)
nevertheless, thanks for all the comments, they're appreciated! at the europen student club i used to organise events for, we always held the rule that the moment people complain about the food, it means the event is a success. imho, this holds for demoparties just the same, and i feel the last few pages of this topic clearly illustrate that :-)
thec and m0d .. do you approve of your pictures being added to slengpung ?
dwarf: I approve of this motion!
skrebbel: great measurement practice you have there :)
m0d: great, ill try and look into this asap ;) ..
dwarf: I sent the pictures to arcane actually... with descriptions.. so they'll be there for sure.

haha. graga specificly asked silverlance to take a photo of him dancing where he doesn't look stupid and this is what shows up :D excellent.
as elfan said, the food in the city was better and really not that far off. maybe you could bring a bigger barbecue grill next year and we'll just bring meat? as long as you can provide some space in a fridge that's alright!
I _so_ want to visit next year again.. wish I can be there.
as elfan said, the food in the city was better and really not that far off. maybe you could bring a bigger barbecue grill next year and we'll just bring meat? as long as you can provide some space in a fridge that's alright!
I _so_ want to visit next year again.. wish I can be there.
Dwarf: Oh i forgot to mention, when adding those from my gallery to Slengpung, can you put credit for the pictures to SilverLance, she's the one who took them all (which is how i'm in them rather than behind the cam hehe) Cheers!
thec - yeah, you mentioned that you used to do that .. just wanted to make sure your pictures shouldn't go to waste ;)
m0d - ill do that ..
m0d - ill do that ..
thec: and arcane is gone for another half week or so, so you'll have to wait for it then..
havoc, shifter, skrebbel, maali or whoever takes care of food stuff:
At Kindergarden we have made food for our visitors the last 3 (?) times by having a chef / volunteer cook up a meal which we serve at a given time. Something like Breakfast at 11, dinner at 17. The dinner meal has been some kind of stew, served with either rice or pasta.
It's been cheap and easy to make in huge quantities. To avoid making too little or too much, this has been a preorder service. I'll admit, we've only served around 60 people at one time with this, but from the feedback we've gotten, it's been a huge success. So yeah, it's possible, even for small parties. The downside is obviously that everyone has to eat the same, but for a slightly bigger party than ours, even 2 or 3 different meals at the same time would probably be doable..
havoc, shifter, skrebbel, maali or whoever takes care of food stuff:
At Kindergarden we have made food for our visitors the last 3 (?) times by having a chef / volunteer cook up a meal which we serve at a given time. Something like Breakfast at 11, dinner at 17. The dinner meal has been some kind of stew, served with either rice or pasta.
It's been cheap and easy to make in huge quantities. To avoid making too little or too much, this has been a preorder service. I'll admit, we've only served around 60 people at one time with this, but from the feedback we've gotten, it's been a huge success. So yeah, it's possible, even for small parties. The downside is obviously that everyone has to eat the same, but for a slightly bigger party than ours, even 2 or 3 different meals at the same time would probably be doable..
Oh yeah, Skrebbel, you know this actually, you were there once ;)
I throw my towel in the ring, I'm just not photogenous when dancing :|haha. graga specificly asked silverlance to take a photo of him dancing where he doesn't look stupid and this is what shows up :D excellent.
leia, I know. point is, we had a place in the neighbourhood which we expected to be good enough and who were willing to deliver. no matter how you twist or turn it, you need at least 2 people (with a clue) who spend a significant time of each party-day on the cooking. this year, that would've made an impact on our HR-situation that we simply could not handle; we *just* had enough people and I'm sure that without the great help and initiative from the Guideline guys (who offered to help doing bar stuff in high times and ended up running the place half the party), at some point things would've become a big mess.
In other words: of course cooking for everybody is possible, we never said it isn't. Ordering in fast food is, however, just as easy, hardly more expensive for visitors and not much worse in quality (in our expectations, at least). As such, the choice is easy.
IMHO you can always make a party more classy and full featured by adding a lot of labour-intensive features. However, my personal experience has shown over and over again that features actually do not make events more fun, but atmosphere and attitude does (apart from some basic requirements). As such, I'm perfectly convinced that the moment our food service would be super perfect and awesome, people would somehow find other places where improvement would really be in order. I don't know, arrange pillows for all the beds maybe, or goody bags, or party magazines, or live day by day party video reports, or seminar sessions, etcetera.
As such, as we're in fact already one of the most full-featured and most comfortable demoparties out there, I really think we're hitting the roof here. It's basically the 80%-20% rule in action. I think we're at about 80% here, quality-wise, and filling up that last 20% would require us to increase our organising team by a factor of 5. And then I'm completely neglecting that any large increase in the core organising team will make communication lines longer, spontaneous features more difficult and scheduling harder.
Bottom line: don't expect mass food production at next Outline if I'm to decide, unless we can find at least 2 volunteers who are not organisers to arrange it all, including the groceries and the dishes, and have the skills to pull it off.
I think splitting the pizzawave over multiple faster waves (maybe even from multiple places) is a much more promising idea.
In other words: of course cooking for everybody is possible, we never said it isn't. Ordering in fast food is, however, just as easy, hardly more expensive for visitors and not much worse in quality (in our expectations, at least). As such, the choice is easy.
IMHO you can always make a party more classy and full featured by adding a lot of labour-intensive features. However, my personal experience has shown over and over again that features actually do not make events more fun, but atmosphere and attitude does (apart from some basic requirements). As such, I'm perfectly convinced that the moment our food service would be super perfect and awesome, people would somehow find other places where improvement would really be in order. I don't know, arrange pillows for all the beds maybe, or goody bags, or party magazines, or live day by day party video reports, or seminar sessions, etcetera.
As such, as we're in fact already one of the most full-featured and most comfortable demoparties out there, I really think we're hitting the roof here. It's basically the 80%-20% rule in action. I think we're at about 80% here, quality-wise, and filling up that last 20% would require us to increase our organising team by a factor of 5. And then I'm completely neglecting that any large increase in the core organising team will make communication lines longer, spontaneous features more difficult and scheduling harder.
Bottom line: don't expect mass food production at next Outline if I'm to decide, unless we can find at least 2 volunteers who are not organisers to arrange it all, including the groceries and the dishes, and have the skills to pull it off.
I think splitting the pizzawave over multiple faster waves (maybe even from multiple places) is a much more promising idea.