Internet-petition: No indexing or blockage of web pages in germany
category: general [glöplog]
well, at least their marketing department had a quite bizarre sense of humour.

yep, that's exactly the point. let's make the problem go away by putting on our magic glasses in form of (stop) signs.
ryg is probably right, I also read that most of the offending servers are located well in law enforcement's reach (read: western europe).
but hey, it could be a pretty handy tool to silence all unwanted voices. executive becoming the judiciary. great. (..who elects the candidates on the blacklists?)
ryg is probably right, I also read that most of the offending servers are located well in law enforcement's reach (read: western europe).
but hey, it could be a pretty handy tool to silence all unwanted voices. executive becoming the judiciary. great. (..who elects the candidates on the blacklists?)
In the end it will be Money anyways.. What does a gangbanger at the police earn..?
Also i feel ashamed for living within ~2km of the BKA and not planning any bombings ;)
Also i feel ashamed for living within ~2km of the BKA and not planning any bombings ;)
in that movie (They Live) the glasses are worn to actually see the problem not to ignore it or make it go away.
for anyone that has missed it, the net will soon be governed by another one of these NWO "international governing bodies" (, which looks set to be the Nets equivalent to other global governmental organisations, such as the World Bank, IMF, WHO and UNESCO. so you and I will have no say in the face of such bureaucracy. our petitions will be irrelevant.
Of course, our "leaders" and MPs (puppets) will put a "local face" on things, just so the naive public still think they have independent nations. they'll give you local excuses for implementing draconian internet laws and regulations. but in truth our leaders will simply be executing their global fascist agenda to squash our brief period of true freedom of information distribution.
they miss the days when our perceptions and ideas were moulded and formed by narrow, tightly controlled and regulated mainstream media, and they intend to fix all that. pretty damn soon.
I for one am hopeless. as long as governments can convince the majority of the sheeple that the internet is a dangerous place full of paedophiles, they will have complete compliance from the majority. and it is afterall a "democracy" we all live in and so it will be the lowest common denominator who will allow this (and many other emerging "issues") to take place. wonderful democracy driven by blind fools.
for anyone that has missed it, the net will soon be governed by another one of these NWO "international governing bodies" (, which looks set to be the Nets equivalent to other global governmental organisations, such as the World Bank, IMF, WHO and UNESCO. so you and I will have no say in the face of such bureaucracy. our petitions will be irrelevant.
Of course, our "leaders" and MPs (puppets) will put a "local face" on things, just so the naive public still think they have independent nations. they'll give you local excuses for implementing draconian internet laws and regulations. but in truth our leaders will simply be executing their global fascist agenda to squash our brief period of true freedom of information distribution.
they miss the days when our perceptions and ideas were moulded and formed by narrow, tightly controlled and regulated mainstream media, and they intend to fix all that. pretty damn soon.
I for one am hopeless. as long as governments can convince the majority of the sheeple that the internet is a dangerous place full of paedophiles, they will have complete compliance from the majority. and it is afterall a "democracy" we all live in and so it will be the lowest common denominator who will allow this (and many other emerging "issues") to take place. wonderful democracy driven by blind fools.
I stopped reading when NWO was mentioned
yes, you keep switching off every time you hear something you don't like. very wise
it's funny, every "leader" at this year's G20 mentioned a new world order - explicitly - without exception. Did you switch off then too? I suggest you _listen_ and try hard to figure out what he's actually saying and what the implications are. because just about all governments in the west are parroting the same words.
it's funny, every "leader" at this year's G20 mentioned a new world order - explicitly - without exception. Did you switch off then too? I suggest you _listen_ and try hard to figure out what he's actually saying and what the implications are. because just about all governments in the west are parroting the same words.
behold the power of media created buzzwords in effect, as demonstrated quite clearly by stijn. Thank you very much for this demonstration stijn, now what do you think?.
You're into this "world ends in 2012" thing too, I suppose?
protip: just because someone uses the words "new world order" doesn't mean it's actually a slip of the tongue meaning all your conspiracy theories are true ;)
eebliss: what the fuck do you mean
eebliss: what the fuck do you mean
Hello. Democracy is the one kind of governing that ensures that the people get who they deserve (poorly quoted, and I cant remember from whom). If people want to be mindless, ignorant, carefree consumers, then a democracy will naturally reflect this with the leaders chosen. But then can anyone talk about 'choice' when the person making it are self inflicted and very willingly mindless, ignorant and carefree...oh my...what a catch 22 =/
If democracy is to work as intended and not as the colection of lukewarm lies that makes it up now, it requires a population that are the opposite of mindless, ignorant and carefree, and people who are the opposite of these things, they do not elect leaders. for what? Sure an accountant, a few people to ensure contracts are honoured and a near monopoly on violence, but fucking way, I do my own thinking thank you very much :) So quite frankly...fuck democracy, democracy paved the way for Hitler (godwins rule, read no further even if it IS true) and for the EUcracy and all the shit we are in atm. And now democracy are once again, paving the way for facism.
Those who can see it comming can either cry or ignore it, because that is all one can do when the people who have the power to make changes would rather be ignorant muppets than be taking responsability for their own life and affairs.
If democracy is to work as intended and not as the colection of lukewarm lies that makes it up now, it requires a population that are the opposite of mindless, ignorant and carefree, and people who are the opposite of these things, they do not elect leaders. for what? Sure an accountant, a few people to ensure contracts are honoured and a near monopoly on violence, but fucking way, I do my own thinking thank you very much :) So quite frankly...fuck democracy, democracy paved the way for Hitler (godwins rule, read no further even if it IS true) and for the EUcracy and all the shit we are in atm. And now democracy are once again, paving the way for facism.
Those who can see it comming can either cry or ignore it, because that is all one can do when the people who have the power to make changes would rather be ignorant muppets than be taking responsability for their own life and affairs.
stijn: what?
READ A FKING NEWSPAPER ATLEAST - even a mainstream one...the IMF and World Bank are not UFOs or nostradamus fantasies?! They're actually real and very powerful organizations that are gradually being given more and more power to effect each nation's governmental decisions.
READ A FKING NEWSPAPER ATLEAST - even a mainstream one...the IMF and World Bank are not UFOs or nostradamus fantasies?! They're actually real and very powerful organizations that are gradually being given more and more power to effect each nation's governmental decisions.
Stijn...what the fuck do I mean?
why? what is it about the 3 letters NWO that makes your mind cut out like that. Hello is right, new world order is being thrown around at the top echelons these days. Nobody, besides conspiracy cooks, has tried to put any defintion on what all these politicians means when they say new world order. What is the new order of the world that all these people are talking about? do you know? what was the old one? Do we need a new one?
I stopped reading when NWO was mentioned
why? what is it about the 3 letters NWO that makes your mind cut out like that. Hello is right, new world order is being thrown around at the top echelons these days. Nobody, besides conspiracy cooks, has tried to put any defintion on what all these politicians means when they say new world order. What is the new order of the world that all these people are talking about? do you know? what was the old one? Do we need a new one?
eebliss, I'm hearing you, and I think I actually agree with you for most of that - but what was it with the buzzword thing you talked about to me? I simply didn't understand what you meant with that post.
hello: wtf
hello: wtf
Well I meant that people talking about NWO in conjunction with accusing national governments of being mere puppets usually indicates that the one talking about it is - as you put it - a conspiracy crook, and especially on the internet these people are usually not worth listening to.
Politicians have been talking about a "new world order" for decades every now and then as far as I know and I believe that they are not necessarily referring to a grand conspiracy plotting to rule the world when they do. It's just a figure of speech - the video hello linked to was about the results of the G20 summit, where leaders decided about all kinds of measures that would have a pretty large effect on economies worldwide, or at least that was the message they tried to communicate as far as I understand (whether these measures work is another discussion). Brown obviously meant that on a world politics-level stuff is changing/has to change, and I think "new world order" is a fitting metaphor for that, and entirely disconnected from the conspiracy theory-New World Order.
Politicians have been talking about a "new world order" for decades every now and then as far as I know and I believe that they are not necessarily referring to a grand conspiracy plotting to rule the world when they do. It's just a figure of speech - the video hello linked to was about the results of the G20 summit, where leaders decided about all kinds of measures that would have a pretty large effect on economies worldwide, or at least that was the message they tried to communicate as far as I understand (whether these measures work is another discussion). Brown obviously meant that on a world politics-level stuff is changing/has to change, and I think "new world order" is a fitting metaphor for that, and entirely disconnected from the conspiracy theory-New World Order.
seriously, mister 'hello', there is no grand conspiracy - that's just your excuse to complain on forums instead of getting off your ass and trying to fix things. point a finger at some random direction and say that it's "them" who are all to blame. how much easier could it be, huh?
these politicians who decide upon things like what this thread is about aren't under control by the jews, the bilderbergs or the queen of denmark. they're just not all too bright, very badly informed, pressured to make too many decisions too quickly and, worst of all, arrogant. in short, these people are stupid. not evil, stupid.
open your damn eyes. people do complain, and sometimes, the people actually get a message through that the guys in their ivory towers didn't expect. a few years ago, all of the netherlands voted against an EU constitution in a referendum - the politicians were shocked and amazed, they didn't see it coming. why the hell didn't IMF, the nazis and osama stop it if they're so all-powerful? or, if that's exactly what the evil masterminds wanted, why didn't they inform their puppets beforehand? really, your story makes no sense.
so get off your ass, and show the world that you disagree. if you're in germany, sign that petition, no matter how rediculous it is - a little is better than nothing. right now you're just hiding under a stone. so find that party or group least unlikely to succeed in changing these tides, join them, help them out. you don't need to be a hippie to protest, you know.
these politicians who decide upon things like what this thread is about aren't under control by the jews, the bilderbergs or the queen of denmark. they're just not all too bright, very badly informed, pressured to make too many decisions too quickly and, worst of all, arrogant. in short, these people are stupid. not evil, stupid.
open your damn eyes. people do complain, and sometimes, the people actually get a message through that the guys in their ivory towers didn't expect. a few years ago, all of the netherlands voted against an EU constitution in a referendum - the politicians were shocked and amazed, they didn't see it coming. why the hell didn't IMF, the nazis and osama stop it if they're so all-powerful? or, if that's exactly what the evil masterminds wanted, why didn't they inform their puppets beforehand? really, your story makes no sense.
so get off your ass, and show the world that you disagree. if you're in germany, sign that petition, no matter how rediculous it is - a little is better than nothing. right now you're just hiding under a stone. so find that party or group least unlikely to succeed in changing these tides, join them, help them out. you don't need to be a hippie to protest, you know.
stijn, that is how i percived your answer. As a typical spinal reaction to words like conspiracy theory, NWO etc.. I'm not saying that most of what goes for conspiracy theory isnt batshit insane, infact, I think that it is. that is what is so marvelous about it. However, we are at a time now where we really need our intellectual guards up. Our history is one long written testamony to what a scheming, plotting and conspiring little fucker man is. I doubt this went out of fashion with the introduction into the modern world. Never has it been easyer, or cheaper to mass manipulate and distort public oppinion.
Thing is, im not even against the sttus quo. our civilisation is the result of long running conspiracies, and peace to that. If it works, right?. my only concern is that those who claim the real power through finance and resource tend to be of a specific perrsonality, that is easily truely corrupted to the point where they loose grip of reality entirely. Jefferson from the US was a clever guy, he understood that government is next to irrelevant and little but a decleration of good intensions among people and that real power arises, it is never selected or elected, thus he argued that for every 25 year or so, the nation should uproar and have a bloody revolution. Obviously Jefferson was putting it on the edge for effect, but there is something to his general thinking that I agree with...we need to clean out the houses of power every so often, to prevent the situation from going so sour as it is now.
Elites are ok, we should just kill them ever now and then and make room for new assholes to sieze power, tis all. The ones we have now, have been there for long enough, and quite frankly...they suck at it!
Thing is, im not even against the sttus quo. our civilisation is the result of long running conspiracies, and peace to that. If it works, right?. my only concern is that those who claim the real power through finance and resource tend to be of a specific perrsonality, that is easily truely corrupted to the point where they loose grip of reality entirely. Jefferson from the US was a clever guy, he understood that government is next to irrelevant and little but a decleration of good intensions among people and that real power arises, it is never selected or elected, thus he argued that for every 25 year or so, the nation should uproar and have a bloody revolution. Obviously Jefferson was putting it on the edge for effect, but there is something to his general thinking that I agree with...we need to clean out the houses of power every so often, to prevent the situation from going so sour as it is now.
Elites are ok, we should just kill them ever now and then and make room for new assholes to sieze power, tis all. The ones we have now, have been there for long enough, and quite frankly...they suck at it!
Brown obviously meant that on a world politics-level stuff is changing/has to change, and I think "new world order" is a fitting metaphor for that, and entirely disconnected from the conspiracy theory-New World Order.
I disagree. this is exactly what the conspiracy theory new world order is. A paradigm shift, but not a "democratic" one. A paradigm shift without the people so to speak.
these politicians who decide upon things like what this thread is about aren't under control by the jews, the bilderbergs or the queen of denmark. they're just not all too bright, very badly informed, pressured to make too many decisions too quickly and, worst of all, arrogant. in short, these people are stupid. not evil, stupid.
<3 ...some of them are evil tho...
In Austria, the parliament (Landtag) of the federal state of Upper Austria has issued an "Initiativantrag" regarding the blocking of Internet websites. This resolution asks the Upper Austrian government to take the initiative and convince the federal government of Austria of seeing to it that an Internet Blockage is introduced, just like in Germany.
This resolution was supported by representants of the conservative People's Party (ÖVP), the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) and the Green Party.
See also:
This resolution was supported by representants of the conservative People's Party (ÖVP), the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) and the Green Party.
See also:
not evil, stupid.
Stupid and arrogant, yes, but also morally responsible for the consequences of being stupid and arrogant while making important decisions. Drunk drivers don't mean to kill anyone, but drinkers are obliged to realise when they're in no condition to drive. In failing to do so they're morally responsible for the consequences. What's really missing in politics is accountability, but there won't be any as long as we're scared of making moral judgments.
I like the cut of your jib, sir!
doom, agree.
for the record, i agree fully with eebliss, a large part of what Doom said, only a little of what skrebbel said and none of what stijn said.