How can I open a fullscreen OpenGL window on Linux?
category: general [glöplog]
plus, JSYK, SOIL look interesting but after a quick look, it is based on stb_image.c, in which it is said it doesn't support progressive jpg files aswell. But it can't suck as more as libjpg, I agree.
Regarding nice, easy to use image decoding libraries, I just happen to have released one :)
That seems great by the description :)
snoutmate, whoa. that's a totally new programming style you've invented. instead of having separte files like a .h and a .c - you have the include stuff that others should include in the .c file? :)
that's NOT awesome, that's plain odd ...
that's NOT awesome, that's plain odd ...
Feel free to copy'n'paste the header part into a file of its own, like it's intended to be done. You don't need to use the #define, #include way if you don't want to. I just wanted to have all the code in a single file. That's not unusual for this kind of mini-libraries, by the way -- have a look at stb_vorbis for comparison.