What is this song?
category: general [glöplog]
another one http://z0r.de/?id=1177
http://z0r.de/?id=1203 this too
this page already contains names of music and origin of animation for some of the clilps (unfotunately not all)
so 9 is tube & berger - straight ahead ;)
so 9 is tube & berger - straight ahead ;)
id 1203 sounds like one of the Toilet Story tunes from Ghidorah & other folks
Toilet Story 4 u by ghidorah, to be precise.
While we're at it?
What is this? http://z0r.de/?id=469
And this? http://z0r.de/?id=749
http://z0r.de/?id=749 is Drax - Pianoodle if you haven't found it out already.
Someone also audiosurfed it :)
... also, where is this from?
and http://z0r.de/?id=1111? oh wai-
http://z0r.de/?id=469 is an xm track, Tekilla Groove, by Zalza
btw http://z0r.de/?id=9 is not just "tube & berger - straight ahead", but some particular remix... :\