BP liquor swapping thread
category: general [glöplog]
I will bring 100 packs of AHOI Brause for a serious Krawallbrause session!
i´m so in for that ! will bring some bottle of vodka , so you have to bring some more AHOI !!! teis knows me, so count on what i say ;)
chromag, sucks!
also.. damn, I know it's not booze... but I'd love it if someone could bring me some Jolt cola... I can't find that shit anywhere, and ordering a whole tray of it online would very likely piss off certain people here... >.>
Hm, I wonder why I have such a bad reputation ;)
I'll save my energy for BP 2010!
I'll save my energy for BP 2010!
leijaa: i'll try to find that in a store but it's rather a local kind. anyway, i'm going to bring some beer/spirits for friendly swapping so let's all meet near the fire and share them!
double bastard sounds like a madwizards handle ;)
double bastard sounds like a madwizards handle ;)
Willing to trade close to any decent eastern-europe bottle against a fine selection of belgian beers ;)
i'll bring quality dutch beer!
@skrebbel : so you are traveling light ? ;)

We'll have a limited supply of Zonderik with us. Tripple blond-ale, 8° alcohol level.. Not for the weak...
Decipher: Sweden is the only place we can get it that I know of.
Fei: That would be awesome.. Now I'll just have to figure out what you'd want in return :)
I'm going by car from sweden. If you want anything then scream!
Truck: Want some more Double Bastard? ;D
Truck: Want some more Double Bastard? ;D
Orbiter: Ramlösa!!
orbiter: I'd love some Double Bastard! Something like 4 - 5 bottles should do fine! I'll pay gratuitously!
I tried to trade some of PX's Oban for my Glenlivet, he woudlnt deal.
OK! so my whiskey was owned by Americans...and Thoron had been drinking directly from the bottle, but still, both were single malts and wheres the solidariy you danish bastard!
OK! so my whiskey was owned by Americans...and Thoron had been drinking directly from the bottle, but still, both were single malts and wheres the solidariy you danish bastard!
leijaa: surprise me :-)
zonderik's label is great: belgian beer and comics, two best things i know from that country.
zonderik's label is great: belgian beer and comics, two best things i know from that country.
Deus: We needed it for drinking remember, now stop worrying and swap some hjemmebrændt norsk træsprit for this with Fei, I can recommend it:

(Due to the "RIVERWASH VODKA"-branding of my particular bottle, I'm not sure what variant it is, but I don't think it's 'Classic')

(Due to the "RIVERWASH VODKA"-branding of my particular bottle, I'm not sure what variant it is, but I don't think it's 'Classic')
px, suggest you sign up for the bus and do some swapping yourself :-)
and bring some poor danish fiskefjæs to all the foreign bastards who doesn't deserve better ..
wódka zoladkowa gorzka is so horrible! but thats just a matter of taste...
Decipher: Sure thing.
I'll go to the Systembolaget tomorrow if anyone else needs anything.
Leijaa: Ramlösa?? WTF =D (I'll buy one just in case)
I'll go to the Systembolaget tomorrow if anyone else needs anything.
Leijaa: Ramlösa?? WTF =D (I'll buy one just in case)
px: yeah, it's at the top of my shopping list