
omg they hacked Pouet net ;-)

category: general [glöplog]
hmm doesen´t work this way, simple visit http://www.pornolize.com and have some fun.

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

If an old and unfunny joke doesn't work because of technical issues, is it funny or not?
added on the 2009-03-30 11:55:01 by Preacher Preacher
Preacher: try using http://pouet.net instead of http://www.pouet.net with http://www.pornolize.com
added on the 2009-03-30 12:46:21 by iikori iikori
Internal Server Error
added on the 2009-03-30 13:40:26 by misioslaw misioslaw
To be honest, the only real difference I could find between the original and the pornolized version was an online poker banner on the top :)
added on the 2009-03-30 13:41:11 by kofeiini kofeiini
Oh, and I got past the internal server error by removing the http:// -part. The service doesn't seem to like url encoded characters / special characters (f.ex. ´?´), which is a fail when you're trying to navigate within pouet...
added on the 2009-03-30 13:43:20 by kofeiini kofeiini
Danish "Anal" Statsminister Competition 2009


To be honest, the only real difference I could find between the original and the pornolized version was an online poker banner on the top :)

Did you expect images? Read the goddamn text ffs :P
Did you expect images? Read the goddamn text ffs :P

Do you mean that Pornolize just replaces the existing text content of a website with a humorous "translation" like many other "funny" websites? Damn, I was _really_ hoping to see the miracles of the computer age at work, mystically transforming peet's pouët logo into a full-blown, print quality erotic version. Now I understand. Thank you, Saga, for correcting my silly err. Without your guidance I'd still be wondering. While you're at it, could you tell me how to open this bottle of smart pills? It has one of those child-proof caps on it. FFS...
added on the 2009-03-30 17:25:16 by kofeiini kofeiini
Sure, no problem. It has a big "RTFM" written on it. Wait, it hasn't? Well, then you're probably lost. :(
The most notable characteristic of bowerbirds is the extraordinarily complex behaviour of males, which is to build a bower to attract mates. There at two main types of bowers. One clade of bowerbirds build so-called maypole bowers that is constructed by placing sticks around a sapling, in some species these bowers have a hut-like roof. The other major bowerbuilding clade builds an avenue type bower made of two walls of vertically placed sticks. In and around the bower the male places a variety of brightly colored objects he has collected. These objects, usually different among each species, may include hundreds of shells, leaves, flowers, feathers, stones, berries, and even discarded plastic items, coins, nails, rifle shells, or pieces of glass. The bird spends hours carefully sorting and arranging his collection. No two bowers are the same, and the collection of objects reflects the biases of each species and its ability to procure items from the habitat often stealing them from neighboring bowers. Uy and collaborators have shown that at mating time the female will go from bower to bower, often returning to the male several times, watching as the male owner's elaborate courtship displays and inspecting the quality of the bower and tasting the paint the male has placed on the bower walls. Many females end up selecting the same male, and many under-performing males are left without copulations. Femals mated with top mating males tend to retutn to the male the next year and search less.
Pornolize was marginally funny back in 2000, when it was first launched and the Norwegian Royal Palace had to ban the server because everyone wanted to read "Kong Olav Sprutkuk Norges Konge" etc.
added on the 2009-03-30 19:36:09 by gloom gloom
