Random line of code thread
category: code [glöplog]
I'll be glad the day you show us your glow code .. ;)
void PostProcess::init(bool clear)
if (clear)
void PostProcess::glow(int steps, float xstep, float ystep, float bluralpha, float glowexp)
blit("postprocess_1024", "postprocess_512");
blit("postprocess_512", "postprocess_256");
if (glowexp > 0.00001f)
Shader &exponential = g_system.getShader("postprocess_exp");
exponential.setUniform1f("expfactor", glowexp);
exponential.setUniform1i("tex0", 0);
blit("postprocess_256", "postprocess_128");
blit("postprocess_256", "postprocess_128");
//at this point, postprocess_128 contains a downsampled version of the full image
//get shaders
Shader& blurx = g_system.getShader("postprocess_blurx");
Shader& blury = g_system.getShader("postprocess_blury");
Shader& combine = g_system.getShader("postprocess_glowcombine");
//then do the blur
for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
const float t = i / (float)steps;
//draw to the other 128x128 texture with the horizontal blur shader
blurx.setUniform1f("blurscale", xstep * t);
blurx.setUniform1f("bluralpha", bluralpha);
blurx.setUniform1i("tex", 0);
blit("postprocess_128", "postprocess_128_2");
//and then back to the original one with the vertical blur
blury.setUniform1f("blurscale", ystep * t);
blury.setUniform1f("bluralpha", bluralpha);
blury.setUniform1i("tex", 0);
blit("postprocess_128_2", "postprocess_128");
//enable blend so that the alpha channel will work if necessary
//combine the two textures
combine.setUniform1i("tex0", 0);
combine.setUniform1i("tex1", 1);
g_system.bindTexture("postprocess_1024", GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
g_system.bindTexture("postprocess_128", GL_TEXTURE1_ARB);
g_system.setOrthoMode(1, 1);
glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, 0, 0);
glVertex2f(0, 0);
glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, 1, 0);
glVertex2f(1, 0);
glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, 1, 1);
glVertex2f(1, 1);
glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, 0, 1);
glVertex2f(0, 1);
void PostProcess::blit(string source, string dest)
varying vec2 texcoord;
void main(void)
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.st;
gl_Position = ftransform();
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform float expfactor;
uniform sampler2D tex0;
void main(void)
vec4 texel = texture2D(tex0, texcoord);
//calculate luminosity
float lum = texel.r * 0.3 + texel.g * 0.59 + texel.b * 0.11;
float factor = pow(lum, expfactor);
texel.rgb *= factor;
gl_FragColor = texel;
varying vec2 offs0;
varying vec2 offs1;
varying vec2 offs2;
varying vec2 offs3;
varying vec2 offs4;
uniform float blurscale;
void main(void)
//take 5 texels
vec2 dx = vec2(blurscale, 0.0);
vec2 dx2 = vec2(2.0 * blurscale, 0.0);
offs0 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.st - dx2;
offs1 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.st - dx;
offs2 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.st;
offs3 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.st + dx;
offs4 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.st + dx2;
gl_Position = ftransform();
uniform sampler2D tex;
varying vec2 offs0;
varying vec2 offs1;
varying vec2 offs2;
varying vec2 offs3;
varying vec2 offs4;
uniform float bluralpha;
void main()
vec4 texel = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
texel += texture2D(tex, offs0) * 0.1;
texel += texture2D(tex, offs1) * 0.25;
texel += texture2D(tex, offs2) * 0.5;
texel += texture2D(tex, offs3) * 0.25;
texel += texture2D(tex, offs4) * 0.1;
gl_FragColor = texel * bluralpha;
varying vec2 texturecoordinate;
void main(void)
texturecoordinate = gl_MultiTexCoord0.st;
gl_Position = ftransform();
uniform sampler2D tex0;
uniform sampler2D tex1;
varying vec2 texturecoordinate;
void main(void)
vec4 normal_texel = texture2D(tex0, texturecoordinate);
vec4 glow_texel = texture2D(tex1, texturecoordinate);
gl_FragColor = normal_texel + glow_texel;
The vertical blur is an exact copy of the horizonal blur. My values to start testing on are something like this:
void glow(int steps = 5, float xstep = 0.006f, float ystep = 0.006f, float bluralpha = 0.92f, float glowexp = 0.5f);
I need to make a stack or something for the rendertargets so that I can have multiple ones, but so far this has been sufficient.. (and I'm lazy :))
postprocess.glow(5, 0.006f, 0.006f, 0.92f, 0.5f);
I need to make a stack or something for the rendertargets so that I can have multiple ones, but so far this has been sufficient.. (and I'm lazy :))
Yeah !! More than sufficient !!
Thanks a lot. You are Great.
Thanks a lot. You are Great.
Yeah !! More than sufficient !!
Thanks a lot. You are Great.
terrible avatar
((SoSFString *)group->getField("materialType"))->getValue().getString()
int CVM::GetCallstack(char* output)
if(stepStack.Level() == 0)
return 0;
char* outstart = output;
int frame = state.frame;
void* scrUnwind = stepStack.Top();
for(int i = 0; ; i++) {
VM::Context unwind;
GetContext(scrUnwind, &unwind);
output += sprintf(output, "%s::%s (%s@%d) %s\n", unwind.ns, unwind.function, unwind.script->path, unwind.scriptOffset, (i == 0) ? "<==" : "");
scrUnwind = (void*)state.stack.GetFrame(frame, -2);
if(!scrUnwind) break;
frame = state.stack.GetFrame(frame, -1);
return output - outstart;
- looking at preachers code, it seems I could possibly simplify my code a somewhat...
cRTProxy bg_rt = cRenderTargetManager::get_instance()->getTmpRT( cRenderTargetManager::RTT_FULL );
I like to do things manually and as simply as possible, though having proper managers etc. would obviously make a lot of difference and allow building more complex things easily. I am moving into a more "complicated" direction though.. less throwaway code and more properly built system code. My Breakpoint demo is kind of a horrible mixture of them both and since time is running out, I resorted into copypasting a lot of stuff :D
And to stay on the topic:
Shader& lighting = g_system.getShader("lighting_pointtexture");
And to stay on the topic:
Shader& lighting = g_system.getShader("lighting_pointtexture");
UIView *block = [[[UIView alloc] initwithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,400,320)] setUserInteraction:FALSE] ;
lpt::BindShader( "billboard_expansion_shader" );
move.l #$02BDF0,$0C5A+2.w ;Falcon: fix planes fuckup (fucker bug!)
I have NO idea how I managed that. 2nd try:
move.l #$02BDF0,$0C5A+2.w ;Falcon:fix planes fuckup (fucker bug!)
Nope, still wrong, let's lose the code tags then:
move.l #$02BDF0,$0C5A+2.w ;Falcon: fix planes fuckup (fucker bug!)
move.l #$02BDF0,$0C5A+2.w ;Falcon: fix planes fuckup (fucker bug!)
working := GetState();
if not working then break; { One reason programming languages shouldn't resemble english too much... }
until false;
...not actually a line but I use this very often ATM :)
move.l d0,d1 ; copy
lsl.w #4,d0 ; multiply by 40
lsl.w #3,d1
add.w d0,d0
add.w d1,d0
unsigned char *videoram = (unsigned char *) 0xb8000;
res = mykml.loadKML(url, debug, savename="")
// Global environment.
// Contain pointers to all global often needed interfaces.
// This is a faster way to get interface pointer then calling ISystem interface to retrieve one.
// Some pointers can be NULL, use with care.
struct SSystemGlobalEnvironment
ISystem* pSystem;
IGame* pGame;
INetwork* pNetwork;
IRenderer* pRenderer;
IInput* pInput;
ITimer* pTimer;
IConsole* pConsole;
IScriptSystem* pScriptSystem;
I3DEngine* p3DEngine;
ISoundSystem* pSoundSystem;
IMusicSystem* pMusicSystem;
IPhysicalWorld* pPhysicalWorld;
IMovieSystem* pMovieSystem;
IAISystem* pAISystem;
IEntitySystem* pEntitySystem;
ICryFont* pCryFont;
ICryPak* pCryPak;
ILog* pLog;
ICharacterManager* pCharacterManager;
IFrameProfileSystem* pFrameProfileSystem;
INameTable* pNameTable;
IFlowSystem* pFlowSystem;
IAnimationGraphSystem* pAnimationGraphSystem;
IDialogSystem* pDialogSystem;
IHardwareMouse* pHardwareMouse;
IMaterialEffects* pMaterialEffects;
// Used to tell if this is a server/client/multiplayer instance
bool bClient;
bool bServer;
bool bMultiplayer;
// Used by frame profiler.
bool bProfilerEnabled;
FrameProfilerSectionCallback callbackStartSection;
FrameProfilerSectionCallback callbackEndSection;
// Indicate Editor status.
bool bEditor; // Engine is running under editor.
bool bEditorGameMode; // Engine is in editor game mode.
// Used by CRY_ASSERT
bool bIgnoreAllAsserts;
SPlatformInfo pi;
extern SSystemGlobalEnvironment* gEnv;
This is FUUN Oo
aizen: Hm, lots of virtual functions in cryENGINE? (IBla interfaces...) Isn't that a big performance problem on in-order cpus (360, ps3)?
Yes it is, branch misprediction kills performance on consoles, and they used inheritance very liberally across their codebase. I'm just playing around with CryMOD SDK, so it is outdated code, but my guess is, they reduced number of virtual calls severly, for CryENGINE 3(which basically is CryENGINE 2 which runs on consoles).
Entirely written in modular C++, fully documented and commented, and divided into logical separate DLL's, you can use what you need as-is, and modify or replace only the components in our engine that you particularly require to customize for your individual project requirements.
An most of our code is dependand on this pointer: extern SSystemGlobalEnvironment* gEnv; ^^
aizen: I guess this shows once again that the "big boys" are no different from anybody else.. Also of course there will be places in the code where it matters more than in other areas
One of my most obscure looking codelines i've ever written while still having sensible meaning when put to a context:
start_blocked ^= (dy<0)^(dx>0)^(tile_diag_2||tile_diag_4);