Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
hey, I think I've been there.
Marvellous sights!
Marvellous sights!


Hmmm maybe a work in progress version? This looks more like what's on Alex Grey's website:

Alex Grey usually kicks ass, but that's mediocre. Doesn't deserve to be in a gallery of "badpaintingsofbarackobama" though. Update: I took a look at this "Chris Collins'" website and clearly he's a retard. And by retard i mean a real retard.

Live from Numerica 2009:

elkmoose: Got that mag.



Word! And the paintings shown aren't that bad at all for the most part...Alex Grey usually kicks ass, but that's mediocre. Doesn't deserve to be in a gallery of "badpaintingsofbarackobama" though. Update: I took a look at this "Chris Collins'" website and clearly he's a retard. And by retard i mean a real retard.
not that fake. bluescreen screensaver crash can happen.