
7th Annual Scene.org Awards

category: general [glöplog]
Judging criteria for best soundtrack isnt neccescarily if the track can stand on its own though, it's also how well the track supports the demo through its strcuture and composition.
added on the 2009-03-05 01:26:44 by keito keito
and hey, we had sfx in zapdrumm :P
added on the 2009-03-05 01:34:46 by keito keito
Well, if you look at the great soundtracks of the movie industry, they all can stand on their own too ("American Beauty", "Star Wars", "The Mummy" or "Pirates of Caribbean I"), to name a few. A soundtrack that only could work with the movie never gets that popular.
added on the 2009-03-05 01:36:13 by Salinga Salinga
while i see your point, i still think its different for a demo (not all demos) ... the visuals are often so tightly linked to the music, often dependant on it, that just throwing a cool track that can stand alone along with some cool visuals would mean you could put any other track to those visuals aswell.

in a movie you have ~120min to offer great stand alone tracks in the soundtrack and plenty of time to use for tight linked atmospheric music... in a demo you have a few minutes.
added on the 2009-03-05 01:39:53 by keito keito
Well, especially the soundtrack of "Daydreamer" (a track by Leaphion called "Warmer") just accomplishes that. It not only fits into the demo, it lifts it up. A soundtrack that just fits into the demo is mediocre and should only be used as a part of the demo to judge the demo itself. If it makes the demo better because it lifts it up (like in "Daydreamer") it's exceptional and should be nominated as such. That's why the "Field Trip" soundtrack is missing in that category too - it not only fits in, it makes it so much better (and rememberable).
added on the 2009-03-05 01:47:46 by Salinga Salinga

By ETA I thought you were refering to rgba :|
I didn't remember ETA was an actual group!
added on the 2009-03-05 01:49:14 by xernobyl xernobyl
omg xernobyl, too much politics in your kellog's this morning?
added on the 2009-03-05 02:11:04 by iq iq
once again, the awards jury proves themselves completely lacking of taste and style. good job again, jury.
added on the 2009-03-05 02:24:56 by kusma kusma
this is an outrage!!

and i haven't even read a single post. goodnight
added on the 2009-03-05 02:29:43 by button button
i'm glad shad3 is nominated as best soundtrack but nazca and retrofitting for mrs connor could/should have been nominated too :P

also there's something definitely wrong when nominees for best 2008 soundtrack don't include any latest Slyspy track...
added on the 2009-03-05 09:35:08 by aftu aftu
also what Salinga said : at least one D-Fast gem should have been nominated...
added on the 2009-03-05 09:39:21 by aftu aftu
I'm quite ok with the nominations... Dunno why everyone is bashing them so hard. The system is screwed anyway, but it's called the "scene.org awards" and not the "scene awards" after all, so real use complaining... :/
added on the 2009-03-05 09:42:53 by raer raer
I think the work of the jury is not an easy one, and I would say they do a good job in general, since the results match the crowd's average taste (see the public's choice).

kusma, you can always think that at least is an opportunity to see our idols in tie and suit, stuttering in front of the drunken crowd :)
added on the 2009-03-05 10:03:51 by iq iq
forgotten gems :

The last UK all star BP demo for best sound track
Our nazca demo for best sound track ( I really prefer this one compared to shad 3 )
added on the 2009-03-05 10:20:18 by nytrik nytrik
"Uhm... Thank you and. Uhm... Kewlers suck!" ;)
added on the 2009-03-05 10:22:42 by raer raer
iq: that doesn't excuse them for being blind to a dazzling rising prod type (you know which one).
added on the 2009-03-05 10:39:29 by aftu aftu
All complaints about not getting nominated is rooted in the false belief that the winner is selected randomly from the list of nominees. Remember, US pharmaceutical and the CIA are heavily involved in the jury and they probably put in a few outrageous nominees just to create a fuzz :)
added on the 2009-03-05 10:40:12 by Hyde Hyde
Ah yes! All nominees are hand picked by the masses!

*sips from Plomox mug*
added on the 2009-03-05 11:07:48 by okkie okkie
next to that.. all these "why X and not Y?"-comments.. all categories started off with longer lists for each category (so yes, most Ys were taken into consideration, they just didnt make it to the end) ... i dont have to go into the meaning of "voting" i assume...

also.. easy to complain afterwards, if you want to be of REAL value to the jury, you couldve used the SUGGESTION FORM that was on pouet for about a whole month in january instead of all this whining later on.. hot tip for next year, quinsy! :)
added on the 2009-03-05 11:09:06 by el mal el mal
i dont think suggestion forms work when theres corruption about!!!! :)
added on the 2009-03-05 11:11:44 by dv$ dv$
too much scandinavians on pouet, eh? ;)
added on the 2009-03-05 11:12:47 by el mal el mal
Everything is going according to plan..

*takes another sip from Plomox mug*
added on the 2009-03-05 11:22:56 by okkie okkie
1. The suggestion form was used.
2. Jury != scene.

So <beeeep> it up your <beep> or I <beeeeeeep> your <beeeeeeeeeeeeep> into your <beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep>! <beep> <beeeeeep> <beeep>!?

I bet some nominations would look different if actually the scene would decide them. I might suggest a way like the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences takes for the Academy Awards nominations and later winners. Now there is democracy.

added on the 2009-03-05 22:42:45 by Salinga Salinga
No Edge of Disgrace-nomination for Best demo. Noted.
added on the 2009-03-05 22:45:12 by Archmage Archmage
salinga: and who are YOU again?
added on the 2009-03-05 23:00:06 by el mal el mal
