
Demos with real 3D modelling skills?

category: general [glöplog]
-most fairlight demos;
added on the 2009-03-04 23:45:51 by xernobyl xernobyl
is it me or did you just forget the most obvious: cocoon?
added on the 2009-03-04 23:56:53 by nystep nystep
It's by no means a complete list ;)
added on the 2009-03-04 23:57:47 by xernobyl xernobyl
Oh, and PERLIN NOISE doesn't count.
added on the 2009-03-04 23:58:35 by xernobyl xernobyl
half an hour on wings3d for the above three.

Real skills: Fairlight, cocoon, plastic - in random order
added on the 2009-03-05 00:03:02 by Navis Navis
195/95 have some nice stuff in it. Strange, but nice.
In general, plastic prods happens to have fine models.
anything from cocoon, clearly!
added on the 2009-03-05 04:01:16 by panoramix panoramix
Plastic, Cocoon, Fairlight, Kolor, TBL, Portal Process..
added on the 2009-03-05 07:53:35 by gloom gloom
don't forget Frogwize :)
added on the 2009-03-05 09:27:12 by aftu aftu
most moppi demos
added on the 2009-03-05 09:32:06 by dodke dodke
Oh, and Bombman, naturally :)
added on the 2009-03-05 09:35:18 by gloom gloom
rebels have a skilled guy : CSIRKE
added on the 2009-03-05 10:14:09 by nytrik nytrik
and farbrausch of course
added on the 2009-03-05 10:15:19 by nytrik nytrik
anything done by me! XD
added on the 2009-03-05 10:18:51 by el mal el mal
maali : which mean .... ?
added on the 2009-03-05 10:21:07 by nytrik nytrik
so a wild is not a demo .. Lamers 'n' geeks = freaks
added on the 2009-03-05 11:17:26 by 24 24
nytrik: which means i should work harder in my spare time ;)
added on the 2009-03-05 11:18:27 by el mal el mal
Clearly THIS
added on the 2009-03-05 14:39:11 by imbusy imbusy
so a wild is not a demo .. Lamers 'n' geeks = freaks

Not a realtime one.
added on the 2009-03-05 15:54:46 by xernobyl xernobyl
half bit cheese. forget about demos.
added on the 2009-03-05 17:42:49 by thec thec
(Best walking animation featured in a demo. ever ;) )

If wild also counts, I'd suggest to add amondo to that list. :D
Well navis ... I guess relais needs more than half an hours on wings 3d ( otherwise i will change max for it immedialty ) :

Ho I forgot to mention :

-I was very impressed by Project 2501 by addict. I hope they will give us an other gem like this one in the future.

I think Speckdrumm demos includes very good 3d. Blockbuster makes complex scenes using his advanced knowledge of normal maps ( which is rare in the scene ). Form my point of view Speckdrumm is the most promising group from that point of view.
Tayfur 2 is much has much more impressing 3d models than stargazer ( with only one real mesh : btw is the sitting character done with zbrush ?)
added on the 2009-03-06 14:16:20 by nytrik nytrik
Speckdrumm is not just "promising", it's already "ubergeil".

As for Blockbuster, he's one of my favorite demoscene artists.

Ubergeil list: http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=1589&order=thumbup
added on the 2009-03-06 14:44:30 by keops keops
