
Random image thread

category: residue [glöplog]
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added on the 2009-02-25 22:52:00 by magic magic
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added on the 2009-02-25 22:55:07 by Joghurt Joghurt
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added on the 2009-02-26 14:35:06 by ref ref
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added on the 2009-02-26 15:05:16 by s0r s0r
... Will be there ...
added on the 2009-02-26 15:07:05 by Sander Sander
Nice that they don't know the difference between Holland and The Netherlands. I'm gay bangbanging then with pot in Maastricht. LÜLz!!!!1
added on the 2009-02-26 15:13:09 by freeze freeze
To be honest I don't know the difference between the Netherlands and Holland either...

added on the 2009-02-26 15:56:08 by torus torus
lol AFK trolls!!!
added on the 2009-02-26 15:59:33 by NoahR NoahR
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added on the 2009-02-26 16:19:24 by tomaes tomaes
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Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland. That's it.
added on the 2009-02-26 16:22:06 by freeze freeze
Yea - already educated myself. Wikipedia to the rescue.
added on the 2009-02-26 17:21:04 by torus torus
tomaes: oh my god that is so much fun! url
added on the 2009-02-26 17:57:25 by LiraNuna LiraNuna
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I was like... wtf?
"Washington Taradão te Fodeu???" :|
added on the 2009-02-26 21:08:09 by xernobyl xernobyl
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added on the 2009-02-26 21:09:20 by Joghurt Joghurt
They wrote "We hate Holland and their culture and we use a religion to disguise our evil wishes as 'good' to ourselfs and others" wrong.

If there is a devil I am shure he invented religious fundamentalism. ;)
added on the 2009-02-26 22:28:55 by Salinga Salinga
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added on the 2009-02-27 02:14:51 by Bp103 Bp103
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added on the 2009-02-27 08:24:38 by bizun_ bizun_
freeze, everybody calls the netherlands "holland". there are a few stuck up provincials who mind and think the matter is totally worth generating all kinds of confusion about, but, well, they're stuck up provincials.

(note: i'm a provincial too; just not stuck up)
added on the 2009-02-27 09:07:55 by skrebbel skrebbel
need MOAR pictures
added on the 2009-02-27 10:10:14 by lunatic lunatic
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added on the 2009-02-27 12:33:17 by elkmoose elkmoose
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added on the 2009-02-27 13:08:40 by SiR SiR
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added on the 2009-02-27 13:42:13 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2009-02-27 14:21:01 by Shiranai Shiranai
