WTF is wrong with you?
category: general [glöplog]
gammawave: but sceners do not exclusively develop for Mac (in fact, last year was the first time something memorable happened on a Mac that wasn't a port), and I was talking about silly GUI shells. Try a stinker of a movie like Hackers on for size -that's the kind of unrealistic my-first-photoshop GUI I was referring to.
You cute Mac fanboy, you :)
You cute Mac fanboy, you :)
Denmark OWNS!
Just because The Party was cancelled last year doesn't make your country forgiven all of a sudden, you fucking stupid horselover.
The main character (Optimus) has to keep writing his thoughts on the Internet (scribo, ergo sum = I write, therefore I am), because if he fails to do so he will vanish from the Earth. Once in a while he gets in a situation without Internet and he *has* to find a terminal (the thriller part) or else he will die.
hehehe, it's like the remix of Speed. he has to open 5 threads per hour or else his pc explodes :)
hehehe, it's like the remix of Speed. he has to open 5 threads per hour or else his pc explodes :)
skrebbel, and what treassures did HOLLAND dig up last year? a couple of lousy xbox demos doesn't really count.
Rasmus: Those xbox demos might not count, but the fantastic Scooter demo which was just released at State of the Art gives Holland enough glory to beat Denmark for years!
And btw, that American guy has organised a demoparty overthere, which IMHO is something to respect him for.
And btw, that American guy has organised a demoparty overthere, which IMHO is something to respect him for.
yeah... a demoparty _without beer_...
Sparc: at least a bit more respect than we're supposed to have for Denmark's finest son, who made a good show sitting around with a thumb up his ass for well over a year, that much is clear.
Oh and skrebbel: they had Ubernuss. That was cool, right?
Oh and skrebbel: they had Ubernuss. That was cool, right?
rasmus is probably still angry because we annihilated his ducktrination attempt with a bunch of dated gay effect screens :)
as long as the competitor at the same party was pink/gay-colorschemed i can't see anything wrong in emptying the effect-storage once in a while.
anyways, denmark still ownz 10x all other scene-nation (ie. not including usania)
anyways, denmark still ownz 10x all other scene-nation (ie. not including usania)
note that *we* had the dated gay ones :)
oh and rasmus please, your english makes me think of "kool demo sh0ck to japanese brain" :)
oh and rasmus please, your english makes me think of "kool demo sh0ck to japanese brain" :)
and thank God - Denmark *IS* a better place without you!
hehe i wonder if God Carmack would have been a demoscener if he lived in Europe :]
I think all the ID games would have been faster then. And smaller too.
And NVidia-only.
i demand commander keen for windows.
i have commander keen for gba.. nothing more relaxing than playing keen on the crapper!
shift: true, but it doesn't beat afwindend
okkie: with paddle war?!?
okkie: with paddle war?!?
and thank God - Denmark *IS* a better place without you!
i was recently there though.
(and damn, you smell!)
denmark still has thorsten! i heard he can make amazing demos like kkowboy all by himself! and he's sure to do a comeback anytime now!
so not all is lost for denmark.
holland in the other hand is doomed. :D
so not all is lost for denmark.
holland in the other hand is doomed. :D
based on the professional views of ps, I must concur.
Er. Wait. No. He's crazy.
Er. Wait. No. He's crazy.
ps: WHAT?!
*Starts compiler!*
*Loses interest nearly immediately!*
*Starts compiler!*
*Loses interest nearly immediately!*
Optimus raises a good point. Poor young chap gets prejudged for being himself and sent away tarred and feathered. These people will never understand the likes of you and me my friend!
"Pouet was shit anyways without me."
this is like the most arrogant statement ever.
Yup, it would fit nicely in a demo. So, Optimus, make a demo and quit hanging around here with all those stupid threads. ;)
holland in the other hand is doomed. :D
And which hand would that be? The right one or the left? ;)
Optimus, the archetype of a coprophile.