
Outline 2009 is a go!

category: general [glöplog]
Well, my statement was only meant to cause a stir, and it might be controversial, yes.

Well played for a shitty troll.

Felice: I wouldn't roll Breakpoint and Mekka/Symposium into the same ball of ugly. I get the whole "large scale parties" thing you seem to have trouble with, but country and inclination to be held around easter are the only similarities between the two.
added on the 2009-02-18 15:58:18 by Shifter Shifter
I'm not taking sides - simply throwing ideas out there. I think people could live without Outline happening for one year (or any of the other "smaller" parties), but BP being cancelled would have a rather huge effect on the demoscene - I fear that the organizers would lose motivation and think about dropping the whole thing all together, if cancelled just one... but OK, I hope I'm wrong.

I just can't let this one slide. May I remind you how you described Outline? A party loved by many?

we-got-no-money-for-prizes-but-still-want-your-prods half-ass party...

That's not "throwing ideas". That is rude. And don't try to correct me on this, I'm the emperor of rude.

May I remind you that besides a number of big festivals that garner the most (still relatively little) media and related-industry attention the demoscene is and always has been organizing small parties enjoyed by many for different qualities than huge screens, big prizes, theme decoration and what have you. Dismissing this in the way you did by "throwing an idea" is utterly and completely stupid. You may not be a fan of the small parties or simply have not attended many or any, but please don't dismiss people's rights to appreciate them in favor of "that big magical thing" that appears to be BP.

They're different things -- and implying that Outline should not be held and donate their funding to Breakpoint is an insult. Idiot.

(now that was one too, you see how that works?)
added on the 2009-02-18 16:02:33 by superplek superplek
And for the record, I enjoyed and attended bigger parties as well. This whole BP funding craze is just blown out of proportion.

added on the 2009-02-18 16:04:50 by superplek superplek
Felice: As Shifter says, it sounds more like you dislike large parties rather than you dislike Mekka (and Breakpoint)

Nothing in that article really differs from any of the large parties I've visited (or even a lot of the small parties)
added on the 2009-02-18 16:18:48 by Puryx Puryx
@Puryx and Shifter

Fortunately, my faith in large parties was restored by going to Assembly 2003 :)

added on the 2009-02-18 16:21:15 by Felice Felice
Felice: sounds good :) - I've still not visited Assembly, but I want to.

I think that a lot of people dislike and like parties for the reasons mentioned in the article.

Some people like Assembly, because it's very "sober" and people inside at behaving well, while others like Breakpoint because you're (almost) free to do whatever you want within reason.

It's hard to have the best of both worlds at large scale parties I think :)
added on the 2009-02-18 16:29:17 by Puryx Puryx
And that's why you have both :)
added on the 2009-02-18 17:26:12 by superplek superplek
nutman, you're a moron. and why are you talking at all, you're even afraid of visiting demoparties at all.

if breakpoint would be cancelled, one of two things could happen: 1) someone else pulls a scamp and organises a replacement at easter (maybe only next year though) or 2) the scene is back to only many small cool demoparties, the quality of whose compos will rise nearly universally, and many people probably being much more inclined to visit one or two far away ones too, and not just those nearby plus breakpoint.

personally, either option would be fine too. i think you're an idiot to assume that a party like outline, the full financial responsibility of which is carried by havoc and yours truly, would even *think* to give money to a totally different party before making our own cooler.

one other thing you didn't understand at all is why people release prods at outline (hint: not the last-year's t-shirt that you *might* win). people release prods at outline because the crowd digs them. because the whole party there is an atmosphere that makes you want to release at outline. because the atari sceners vote on the pc prods, and the pc sceners vote on the atari prods, and everyone appreciates each other's work just alike. try that at BP, where only c64 people watch the c64 compo, only all three amiga sceners watch the amiga compo, and only the pc compo really gets universal attention.

but then again, you won't understand, as you're a non-kicked IRIS member which means you believe in group hierarchy, demoparty glory and world wide fame. none of these things have any meaning on parties like outline.
added on the 2009-02-18 17:33:05 by skrebbel skrebbel
and fuck, why did i bite.
added on the 2009-02-18 17:33:14 by skrebbel skrebbel
What niels and skrebbel said.

The last two parties I have been too were very small, inercia 2005 and ifparty 2006, but I enjoyed them so much more then breakpoint 2005.

The idea of sacrificing the smaller parties for breakpoint is completely insane.
skrebbel: you´re biting because you´re organizing the damn party! :) Like I did when someone trolled regarding TRSAC, and just like Scamp does when someone trolls BP...
added on the 2009-02-18 17:36:20 by Puryx Puryx
..and the good thing is that nutman still is allowed to come to Outline after all. Thats how friendly them orgas are.
added on the 2009-02-18 17:58:32 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
you know what it is... the dutch have always supported danish parties, the danish* will never give us anything but words in return. sad but true...

* -> excluding half-danes
added on the 2009-02-18 19:20:42 by havoc havoc
Phew I'm glad I've been at work and missed out on all of this!

It looks like the issue has been caught and killed, indeed was a non-issue to start with, so the Outrage bus remains firmly parked in the garage, switched off and going nowhere :)

Also, it was I wot wrote the Mekka diary that Felice kindly linked to...
added on the 2009-02-18 20:50:08 by CiH CiH
yeti, right on!
added on the 2009-02-18 20:54:49 by skrebbel skrebbel
Havoc: nothing wrong with the Danes, they're decent guys. Nutmeg is just an idiot fag that tries to stir up controversy in the thread for the most 'laxt demoparty around. Just ignore him.
added on the 2009-02-18 21:07:15 by okkie okkie
BB Image ;)
added on the 2009-02-18 21:19:14 by okkie okkie
back to more important thingies.. when will the 'I AM COMING' page be up?
havoc: we´ve been talking about visiting demozone and/or outline several times, because you dutch guys supported Scene Event massively. Somehow we did not yet manage to get there, but, trust me that we have considered it!

This year I simply CAN´T go on those dates - some of the dutch will know that I´m not pulling you guys when writing this.

So please don´t put us all into the same "box", mmmkay? :)
added on the 2009-02-18 21:44:39 by Puryx Puryx
it's a norwegian conspiracy!
I'm not exactly a scener because I'm a lazy sod, but I totally loved the parties that I have been to (which are STNICCC2000, Outline 07, Outline 08...ahem).

I cannot speak about the big parties as I know sod all about them, but Outline rocks because it's relaxed and people create good shit for the hell of it and not for fame and prize money. And that's fcking great!
puryx: i realize that there's a slight difference between those danes who merely provide the fuel for our thread-bumping fire, and those who may have seriously considered to visit outline. yet the fact remains that denmark is the only self-pronounced "major" scene country from which not even 1 single inhabitant has managed to make the trip to outline in any of the 5 editions we have organised so far. that means that in our books, you're way behind *truly* major scene countries like israel, greece, portugal, spain, austria, and so on and so forth... :) furthermore, this year, for the first time in recorded history, there are signs that a person who lives in denmark is about to make the trip. and guess what? he is british, thus an immigrant to your great nation...

so i'll try to take your word for your people's good intentions. but please don't blame me if i sometimes forget my promise for a moment and make the mistake to look at hard facts instead, ok? ;)
added on the 2009-02-18 22:49:09 by havoc havoc
havoc: sorry, but I´m not biting - and you should really know better. Also he´s Scottish!

We did support quite a lot of small parties that last years.

We have NOT been a self-pronounced "major" scene-country for several years - at I don´t think so at least - we´re VERY few (active) sceners.

also - that attitude won´t make me attend ;)
added on the 2009-02-18 22:54:53 by Puryx Puryx
