Crisis: Money As Debt
category: general [glöplog]
An interesting and well done document on how the money is created by banks... I learned a lot watching this, hope it will interest some of you.
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Wasn't there a thread about how the crysis was unavoidable an year or 2 ago?
Before the crisis, capitalism had been draining the world’s resources at rates faster than ever seen before. World human population increases exponentially therefore the amount of finite non-renewable resources per person decreases at an even faster rate.
Since the oil shocks of the early 1970s we’ve been slowly going broke yet the fractional reserve system has given us the illusion that we’re all ok whilst the bankers have been making (fiat) money off our naïve backs.
Economic growth cannot be infinite in a world with finite resources. The Odluvai theory states that industrialised society has less than 20 years left. People are like a parasitical disease that kills itself in the process of killing its host.
If you want to invest in your future, buy an allotment and a shotgun.
Since the oil shocks of the early 1970s we’ve been slowly going broke yet the fractional reserve system has given us the illusion that we’re all ok whilst the bankers have been making (fiat) money off our naïve backs.
Economic growth cannot be infinite in a world with finite resources. The Odluvai theory states that industrialised society has less than 20 years left. People are like a parasitical disease that kills itself in the process of killing its host.
If you want to invest in your future, buy an allotment and a shotgun.
please stop spelling it "crysis" >:(
*prints some more dollars to fund a war*
I'm looking for somewhere to emigrate that won’t suffer so badly from the effects of WW3.
you wouldn't really have the guts to emigrate anyway.
you wouldn't really have the guts to emigrate anyway.
Why not? Over the past 2 years I've made a enquiries wrt visas to see where I stand. I think in the event of worldwide nuclear war, where I am now would be one of the first places to be turned into a crater. I'm not hanging around for that.
mg: <- the end of this prod could be an important clue for you! :)
nice movie and I watched it some time ago. very educational but to change this system a lot of wealthy today people have to loose their money and they are not about to do it.
If you want to invest in your future, buy an allotment and a shotgun.
I would say: buy an allotment, but no gun. In some books about the crisis I read, they warn about the danger of "survivalism". We have to resolve the crisis with more social contacts, more social structures and links.
I'm looking for somewhere to emigrate that won’t suffer so badly from the effects of WW3.
I would say: If you're in some place, like big american cities, where you have to drive miles to get food, where you can do nothing without a car, or a dry place were no plant could grow around without a heavy structure to bring water, move or emigrate. there are natural places and there are artificial places.
Plus, I don't get it with the WW3 war thing. The wars for resources like oil were actually the wars since WW2 to iraq. afterwhat: Why would you make a war for something that is already depleted ? Nothing waste more energy than war.
granted, i don't know you. but typically people complaining about the evil capitalists on forums and then bragging that they're going to emigrate are just full of poo, and i'm sure you see where that impression is coming from. but, ok, emigrate away. may i recommend south georgia? (not to be confused with the country or the US state)

isnt that were france tests its nukes? excellent spot! ;)
good stuff, good stuff... one of the solutions is to have money based on work hours... that would be communism in reality wouldn't it? :)
but to change this system a lot of wealthy today people have to loose their money and they are not about to do it.
do you think the wealthy will have any say in this transition away from a money based system? the "value" of their money will simply be evaporated (you can see that happening now) until they and their holdings (money) become irrelevant. government, banks and international corporations don't give a flying f*** about "money" and never have. It was just a method of acquiring the people's "real wealth" and keeping people in line. a trap.
It may turn out to be a haven of untapped oil. Though we still haven't seen any oil rigs in the Falklands yet.
thec: or something similar to this
World human population increases exponentially
Except it doesn't, the growth rate has been steadily slowing, not increasing.
finite non-renewable resources
That's the keyword here, we have plenty of renewable resources and the sole reason for why we don't use them is that the traditional non-renewables are damn cheap. I don't have to care about energy-efficient devices, because running even the grossly inefficient ones whole year on coal energy is still cheaper then buying new, efficient ones.
salinga: hiding spot FAIL: will be flood when the water raising.
No fail, sir. Nice mountains it haz, sir. Me climbing mountain when water raising, sir.

Good spot, good spot.

Good spot, good spot.
All of our energy comes from the sun. There simply isn’t enough sunlight hitting our planet each day to sustain our current levels of energy consumption. Energy consumption within a country is closely correlated to that countries GDP.
Fossil fuels gave us an energy windfall which boosted world population during the rise of industrial era. On average, each calorie of food eaten from a supermarket consumed 15 calories (or there abouts) of fossil fuels to get to your plate. It may be due to passing the peak in petroleum production or the end of cheap energy why population growth has started to show signs of slowing.
Fossil fuels gave us an energy windfall which boosted world population during the rise of industrial era. On average, each calorie of food eaten from a supermarket consumed 15 calories (or there abouts) of fossil fuels to get to your plate. It may be due to passing the peak in petroleum production or the end of cheap energy why population growth has started to show signs of slowing.
My internet is slow. Going to have to go next door, have a word with the neighbours and tell them to upgrade.
ok good spot then.