OpenGL 3.0
category: general [glöplog]
iq, what would you prefer then, something that outputs a meaningful error on stdout or OutputDebugStr automagically?
iq: For the issues you describe you should have a closer look at glIntercept or gDEBugger (commercial)..
iq - I have nothing to say but since everyone his talking to you I just wanted to say hi.
I think glslDevil or glIntecept allow you to change the shaders realtime. I'm not sure, since that's something I never tried doing.
I think glslDevil or glIntecept allow you to change the shaders realtime. I'm not sure, since that's something I never tried doing.
iq: you can do that in shaderDesigner already. plus it's now free, since the company that made it went bankrupt. link.
iq: Everyone seems to ask you questions now, and I can't be a combo-breaker; what are you wearing? ;)
iq: wassup?
waiting for answers
Cws : I don't want to break your illusions but most (serious) PS3 game developpers actually don't use it, sorry :)
As for Gimp, I don't know a single artist in our studio who would trade Photoshop for it. Gimp is nice for coders and small homemade projects but that's about it.
the fact that OPenGL was used for the PS3 as its rendering context speaks to the fact that much opengl development was done for that platform. just trying to make that point.
that fact that open source was merely mentioned came up because OpenGL was cross platform and the point was made that projects beyond gaming were being done in OpenGL for the purpose of cross platform-ability.
and for those that complained about GIMP, you said 'single artist' and 'studio' which to me screams professional. for basic picture editing, lasso, crop, etc etc GIMP is fine. this is what most non-professional(joe sixpack) people could get by with just fine. most people when they get pictures, they get rid of red eye, crop a little, ramp up the brightness or contrast do some very basic editing and then save the files.
tactlesstrol, something that crashes and gives me a adds a beautiful breakpoint in visual studio (or a "brokepoint")
Psycho, I tried both long ago. gdebugger doesn't work in xp64.
tiago, hi! \o
nystep, I like to design my shaders within my demos, I don't want to write a, say, terrain shader on a sphere or duck.3ds.
kusma, some fine black black lingerie.
rob, change?
Psycho, I tried both long ago. gdebugger doesn't work in xp64.
tiago, hi! \o
nystep, I like to design my shaders within my demos, I don't want to write a, say, terrain shader on a sphere or duck.3ds.
kusma, some fine black black lingerie.
rob, change?
iq: glIntercept is really worth checking out... maybe it's the thing you've always wanted.
the fact that OPenGL was used for the PS3 as its rendering context speaks to the fact that much opengl development was done for that platform. just trying to make that point.
And a rather useless point at that. First of all let me state that I obviously can't divulge too much about this but believe you me, the OpenGL implementation is nothing more than pet project offered to developers on the side. The primary RSX command libraries have another origin.
And why OpenGL? Well that's kind of obvious don't you think? What were they going to do, offer a D3D9 implementation? MS would've just loved that.
that fact that open source was merely mentioned came up because OpenGL was cross platform and the point was made that projects beyond gaming were being done in OpenGL for the purpose of cross platform-ability.
OpenGL's kind of cross-platform-ity is nice for scientific test applications but really nothing beyond that scope. Real applications don't rely on their graphics API when it comes to proper platform separation.
cws: I still don't see the connection between cross platform and open source in this context. Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Office are both cross-platform. Why did you start ranting about Open Office and GIMP?
OpenGL's kind of cross-platform-ity is nice for scientific test applications but really nothing beyond that scope. Real applications don't rely on their graphics API when it comes to proper platform separation.
Of course, there is no other field in visualization of 3D graphics (or others) except scientific test applications (on whatever) and game development (on a windows platform).. or?
I would say that the cross platform ability makes it actually quite nice..
Nothing really changes in the world of DX.. If a feature is not available on the HW you simply have to have a fallback for it.. or is DX solving this in some manner making it a superior API?
This whole discussion is so low-level pure shit with few people actually having used both API's for some project of magnitude...
Of course, there is no other field in visualization of 3D graphics (or others) except scientific test applications (on whatever) and game development (on a windows platform).. or?
That's a bit narrowminded. Make kool demoshock to the japanese brain.
CG is used in a lot more than games and scientific test applications, or whatever, and games. And it can be used in a lot more.
nystep: funny how your assessment of opengl's performance benefits over opengl fails to account for the far more significant point that hlsl's compiler appears to piss all over cg's and glsl's.. :)
Tiago: I'm pretty sure gnilk's statement was sarcasm.
as said, I already tried glIntercept and gdebugger. I don't want to debug shaders, I don't want to look textures, I dont want to display normals, nor cound draw calls. I want my application to crash/break when I do glBindProgram between a glBegin and a glEnd. That would also make driver developer´s life a bit easier? Well, that I don't really care.
Gimp is nice for coders
as a coder, i have to protest. Gimp is _horrible_ for coders (and everybody else too, probably)
blala : and I totally hate it as well but my point is that it's a tool made and thought by coders. It totally lacks the ergonomics most artists need.
The "nice for" was meant as "is probably acceptable for" :)
The "nice for" was meant as "is probably acceptable for" :)
haha :)
it just very much depends on what you're after :)
I would say that the cross platform ability makes it actually quite nice..
Nothing really changes in the world of DX.. If a feature is not available on the HW you simply have to have a fallback for it.. or is DX solving this in some manner making it a superior API?
it just very much depends on what you're after :)
The "nice for" was meant as "is probably acceptable for" :)
except it is not even acceptable :)
Gimp is _horrible_ for coders (and everybody else too, probably)
it's all in the name, people...
iq: GLIntercept:
GLErrorChecking = True;
BreakOnError = True;
LogOnError = True;
GLErrorChecking = True;
BreakOnError = True;
LogOnError = True;
blala : and I totally hate it as well but my point is that it's a tool made and thought by coders. It totally lacks the ergonomics most artists need.
It's a tool made and designed by Linux-coders.. which explains why it totally lacks the ergonomics and intelligent workflow that most artists need. :)
topic is now opengl 3.0