
Brokepoint - Breakpoint 2009 is in danger and needs YOUR support

category: general [glöplog]
I fail to see the logic in organizers of other/smaller parties are giving free entrance if visitors have bought an expensive ticket to breakpoint. Obviously you are taking the money from the other visitors and therefore raising their ticket prices. Ie, you are increasing the cost for people who cannot afford to buy an expensive supporter ticket for another party.

Not that it isn't nice to help breakpoint, but it really doesn't make any sense.

About the bus shuttle: Why not take say extra 20 € for visitors wanting the shuttle service.
added on the 2009-02-02 15:20:46 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Amy: how may people do you REALLY think will use 250 euros to get a "free" ticket for a small party? - do you really think that this would have an impact on the small party if one (maybe two) people get in for free?... come on!
added on the 2009-02-02 15:25:12 by Puryx Puryx
amy: For smaller parties giving these free tickets actually may have a positive affect - more sceners from different countries might join their party, possibly bringing friends who then have to pay.

About the bus shuttle: Quite simple - if people would have to pay for the shuttle, many would not use it, but instead use their car to drive to the hotels or for shopping, possibly doing this drunk, causing additional noise on holy easter, resulting in complaints from people living around the location, causing the police to show up, causing the police to generate trouble for us.

The free shuttle is a key factor in not getting locals and the police pissed.
added on the 2009-02-02 15:28:41 by scamp scamp
Obviously you are taking the money from the other visitors and therefore raising their ticket prices. Ie, you are increasing the cost for people who cannot afford to buy an expensive supporter ticket for another party.

Rubbish. It's an incentive for people to go for the more expensive "ticket" at Breakpoint, while at the same time giving an incentive to come to the smaller parties -- after all, you have the ticket now. There will be no price increase for others attending Solskogen because of this. Think of it as distributed wealth -- socialism if you will. :)
added on the 2009-02-02 15:30:02 by gloom gloom
I wont be changing the prices for Sundown at all, I'm just doing this to help Breakpoint.

Scene spirit, yo.
added on the 2009-02-02 16:29:41 by rc55 rc55
I'll buy one expensive ticket for breakpoint, and get three small parties for free!! Think about all the money I'll save!!!1
added on the 2009-02-02 16:31:07 by kusma kusma
Rubbish. It's an incentive for people to go for the more expensive "ticket" at Breakpoint, while at the same time giving an incentive to come to the smaller parties -- after all, you have the ticket now. There will be no price increase for others attending Solskogen because of this. Think of it as distributed wealth -- socialism if you will. :)

So you are in no need for visitor fees? If you do - you have seriously fucked up in understand how wealth are created. Just because Swedes pay high taxes doesn't mean we should have free care in Hungary. Or any other country.

About the bus shuttle: Quite simple - if people would have to pay for the shuttle, many would not use it, but instead use their car to drive to the hotels or for shopping, possibly doing this drunk, causing additional noise on holy easter, resulting in complaints from people living around the location, causing the police to show up, causing the police to generate trouble for us.

I am not really sure how no bus shuttle would help you more than one that costs as much as one day with taxi rides. Besides, do you have such huge problem with drunk driving in Germany? I never heard of anyone doing this at Scandinavian parties.

I'll buy one expensive ticket for breakpoint, and get three small parties for free!! Think about all the money I'll save!!!1

I am not sure who you are mocking here. The organizers of smaller parties who might try to do some personal-pr or the fact I am pointing out that if you give people free entrance you are decreasing your incomes.
added on the 2009-02-02 16:47:09 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
No, it's the fact that the free entrance offers for smaller parties are a symbolic gesture of support and an extra push for dedicated sceners to buy the ticket.

Have you ever even been to a demoparty?
added on the 2009-02-02 16:51:55 by okkie okkie
Maybe a lame idea, but how about scene.org or another common scene organization go to www.23monkeys.com (or simular site) and make a BROKEPOINT t-shirt, and hook it up to the paypal account that goes to donating cash to BP.

23monkeys only give you 5 USD for each t-shirt you sell, so I guess the amount wouldnt add up to that much. But maybe there are better services around that can offer a higher income value(?)
added on the 2009-02-02 16:54:20 by tFt tFt
No, it's the fact that the free entrance offers for smaller parties are a symbolic gesture of support and an extra push for dedicated sceners to buy the ticket.

For most small parties I know, giving away free entrance would be more than a symbolic gesture.
added on the 2009-02-02 17:02:56 by lug00ber lug00ber
Just donated via paypal.

I demand a realtime progress bar.
added on the 2009-02-02 17:04:02 by Claw Claw
Scamp, at first thanx for trying to save the party even in those critical times. The important newsletters are informed (f.e. heise.de) and the PayPAL-Account feeded :) We get the thing running. No doubt'bout that.
added on the 2009-02-02 17:04:55 by vscd vscd
great to see the meter moving so much in such a short time.

A question: why do the bands cost 3keur? is all of it equipment rent otherwise not usable at the party (drum kits, microphones etc) or what?
added on the 2009-02-02 17:07:03 by uncle-x uncle-x
you guys just made ME donate... dude, I hardly donate for anything these days. Specially not in euros (1 EUR = 4.4 ARS!). I hope you do get the party network. I any case I'm glad the progress bar is up to a place where BP09 is going to be held in the first place.
added on the 2009-02-02 17:07:56 by panoramix panoramix
Amy Diamond: I prefer to see the free entry to e.g. Solskogen as a helping hand from that party - and since Solskogen has a much smaller economic overhead, they can afford it (I am going btw, love Solskogen) :)
added on the 2009-02-02 17:09:05 by farfar farfar
since Solskogen has a much smaller economic overhead, they can afford it

They also have a smaller budget, with smaller margins.
added on the 2009-02-02 17:11:01 by lug00ber lug00ber
Amy: I'm mocking you, for sure. I don't believe a lot of the people who willingly pay 250 EUR for a breakpoint-ticket isn't the kind of people who try to run small parties out of business. I look at these "free entrance"-thingies more as PR-opportunities for smaller parties; they might just end up getting more sceners to visit. And there's possibly a synergy effect here also.
added on the 2009-02-02 17:13:13 by kusma kusma
lug00ber: that's true, but again, how many people do you think will show up at Solskogen with a 250 euro supporter ticket? :)

If there's more than 2 I'll be quite amazed :)
added on the 2009-02-02 17:13:14 by Puryx Puryx
Entrance is free, exit costs 50 euros.
added on the 2009-02-02 17:16:34 by Claw Claw
farfar: actually i'm pretty sure solskogen can't afford it.. so in the end any reduced income from this will come out of glooms pockets. which in my opnion is a) a huge risk but b) damn respectful of gloom.

and puryx: I know at least 3 people already, so be amazed ;)
added on the 2009-02-02 17:20:57 by leijaa leijaa
leija: damnit! - but it still doesn't undermine the whole party ;) - which was my actual point.
added on the 2009-02-02 17:22:35 by Puryx Puryx
uncle-x: It's some equipment rent (you don't want to know how expensive that drum kit we got for Bendik was :) but first of all flights+accomodation+food. Think eg. of PPOT - that's six people from .dk plus instruments in the most expensive hotel because the others are already completely booked out by party guests. :)
added on the 2009-02-02 17:22:51 by kb_ kb_
Oh by the way, speaking of bands.

If anyone has any good recommendations for acts that would play at BP without costing us that much money, contact us (or me for that matter). We're very open for suggestions.
added on the 2009-02-02 17:24:23 by kb_ kb_
I went to see Escape Hawaii last Auzgust and liked him... He has a nice plastic Casio keyboard and an Gameboy and the music is danceable.
added on the 2009-02-02 17:35:22 by raer raer
303f was awesome... but i heard the don't play at demoparties anymore?
