awards 2008 - your nominations
category: general [glöplog]
Not personal nominations, no. There was a collective nomination counter at some point, but that only lead to people viewing that and going "Oh, so Lifeforce is already nominated, no point in me filling out the form then", which sort of missed the point completely. The idea is to list your personal favourites (and preferably non-obvious ones) so that nothing is overlooked by the jury.
Oh, and I use the term "nominations" broadly here, since it's more like a "tip-list".
Oh, and I use the term "nominations" broadly here, since it's more like a "tip-list".
don't pick demos/intros that are obvious choices, pick something you think they might to forget!
How do I know what they might forget if I don't know what others have already submitted?
thats the point...
...if a prod gets nominated by several people, they´ll have a look into it, if it should be on the nominees-list, preferred to other prods.
...if a prod gets nominated by several people, they´ll have a look into it, if it should be on the nominees-list, preferred to other prods.
Salinga: It's not exactly rocket-science what the years most popular demos are. Pick something else then.
I'm gonna go ahead and bump this:
You can also just go to your favourite prods pages and "nominate" from the selection box at the bottom of the page. The more people doing this, the better spread the jury will have to work from!
You can also just go to your favourite prods pages and "nominate" from the selection box at the bottom of the page. The more people doing this, the better spread the jury will have to work from!
And the less screaming of bloody murder will need to be done once the nominees are out there :D
as if :P
My current selection: