
funniest responce ever...

category: general [glöplog]
From anakata_anakata.hack.se Mon Sep 13 07:20:31 2004
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 07:19:36 -0100 (GMT)
From: anakata
To: Piracy - Online <Piracy-Online@ea.com>
Subject: Re: Copyright Infringement

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Piracy - Online wrote:

> September 14, 2004
> Fredrik Neij
> Box 1206
> Stockholm, Sweden 11479
> Re: Electronic Arts Trademark and Copyright
> Infringement Notice
> Dear Mr. Neij:
> It has been brought to the attention of Electronic Arts Inc. ("EA") that
> the website http://www.piratebay.org with the IP addresses of
>,, is conducting
> unauthorized activities with respect to EA's copyrighted software, The
> Sims 2. The aforementioned website is offering and distributing
> bittorrent seeds for an unauthorized downloadable version of this EA
> game.
> The infringing material may be found at:
> http://www.piratebay.org/download.php/3238103/Sims%202.torrent
> http://www.piratebay.org/download.php/3238222/The_Sims2_AlcoholClone-CLO
> NEGAME_Full.Release_%28exclusive_for_trackerwww.prq.to%29.torrent

Hello and thank you for contacting us. We have shut down the website in

Oh wait, just kidding. We haven't, since the site in question is fully
legal. Unlike certain other countries, such as the one you're in, we have
sane copyright laws here. But we also have polar bears roaming the
streets and attacking people :-(.

> This unauthorized activity with respect to the distribution of EA's
> software products constitutes infringement of EA's intellectual property
> rights. EA enforces its intellectual property rights very aggressively
> by using every legal option available.

Please don't sue us right now, our lawyer is passed out in an alley from
too much moonshine, so please atleast wait until he's found and doesn't
have a huge hangover...

> As you are listed as the registrant for this website, EA demands that
> you immediately and permanently disable access to the aforementioned
> bittorrent seeds for The Sims 2 and any in the future.

You're free to demand anything you want. So are we. We demand that you
cease and desist sending letters like this, since they're frivolous and
meaningless. Where should I send the bill for the consumed diskspace and

> Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions concerning
> this matter, please contact us via e-mail at:
> piracy-online@ea.com.
> Regards,
> EA Law - IP Enforcement
> Electronic Arts Inc.
> piracy-online@ea.com <mailto:piracy2@ea.com>

Thank you for your entertainment. As with all other threats, we will
publish this one on http://static.thepiratebay.org/legal/

added on the 2008-12-11 18:58:17 by Muerto Muerto
funny? i find it rather childish... obviously EA's whole intend in the email is plain rubbish but the 'na na na you cant harm us'-attitude is just silly.
added on the 2008-12-11 19:02:01 by el mal el mal
TPB emails stopped being funny ever since they stuck to using the same phrases over and over again. Welcome to 2006.
added on the 2008-12-11 19:02:25 by shock__ shock__
if you look at your copypasta closely, i think you'll find it was written in 2004. if you think about that and the context for a while, i think you'll find a lot of people here might have seen all of those already.
added on the 2008-12-11 19:02:37 by reed reed
... and for the record, i do find the emails hilarious :)
added on the 2008-12-11 19:03:17 by reed reed
added on the 2008-12-11 19:10:16 by v4nl4me v4nl4me
omg im so sorry for sharing... once again.... lul
added on the 2008-12-11 19:14:01 by Muerto Muerto
well, i basicly posted due to this press release:


Pirate Bay bliver blokeret i hele landet
11. dec. 2008 15.12 Kultur Opdat.: 11. dec. 2008 15.19
Sonofon har i dag blokeret for deres kunders adgang til den populære hjemmeside The Pirate Bay. Og snart bliver alle andre internetudbydere tvunget til at følge trop.

Siden skal blokeres for alle internetbrugere, mener Antipiratgruppen, der med en dom fra landsretten snart vil kontakte landets internetudbydere for at tvinge dem til at blokere The Pirate Bay.

Vil kontakte internetudbydere
Østre Landsret gav for 14 dage siden Antipiratgruppen ret i, at Sonofons skal blokere for adgange til hjemmesiden for sine kunder. Og det er med den i hånden, at blokaden af The Pirate Bay kan blive landsdækkende, fortæller advokatfuldmægtig i Antipiratgruppen Maria Fredenslund.

- Vi vil rette henvendelse til de andre udbydere og bede dem lukke for The Pirate Bay. Der bør ikke være forskel på Sonofon og de andre selskaber, derfor vil siden blive lukket ned, siger hun til dr.dk/nyheder

Intet håndklæde i ringen
Antipiratgruppen vil ikke fortælle, hvornår de vil bede internetudbyderne om at lukke for hjemmesiden, men ifølge Maria Fredenslund "er der ikke noget, der holder os tilbage".

Serveringen på et sølvfad må Antipiratgruppen dog vente lidt med endnu. Sonofon ønsker nemlig at anke landsrettens dom til højesteret. Derfor mener Ib M. Tholstrup, direktør i Telekommunikationsindustrien, internetudbydernes brancheforening, ikke, at slaget er tabt

- Hvis Sonofon havde smidt håndklædet i ringen, ville vi nok være mere tilbøjelige til at rette os ind, siger Ib M. Tholstrup til dr.dk/nyheder.

En principsag
Giver procesbevillingsnævnet Sonofon ret til at tage sagen til højesteret, kan dommen blive omstødt. Det vil betyde, at ingen behøver at blokere adgangen til The Pirate Bay. Det vil glæde internetudbyderne, selv om de ikke har nogen særlig sympati for hjemmesiden.

For dem handler sagen om principper.

- Vi har stadig det principielle standpunkt, at vi internetudbydere ikke skal stævnes som part mellem rettighedshaver og krænker. Vi leverer bare signalet. Denne dom svarer til, at et busselskab skulle dømmes, fordi en indbrudstyv kørte med en bus, forklarer Telekommunikationsindustriens direktør Ib M. Tholstrup.

Utallige lignende sider derude
Sonofons ønske om at tage sagen til højesteret, bekymrer ikke Antipiratgruppen.
The Pirate Bay er en såkaldt bit-torrent-side, der linker til steder, hvor man kan downloade filer gratis, selv om de er beskyttet af ophavsretten. Og det er ulovligt at dele filer med andre uden at betale rettighedshaverne.

The Pirate Bay er langt fra den eneste af den slags sider.Hver dag dukker nye op, og eksempelvis mininova.org er større end The Pirate Bay. Men ikke helt så kendt herhjemme.

- Ja, der er masser derude. Vi overvejer, hvad vi skal gøre ved det, siger Maria Fredenslund fra Antipiratgruppen.

What it says is that "Antopiratgruppen" will force all danish internet providers to block the access to TPB...
added on the 2008-12-11 19:20:03 by Muerto Muerto
"responce". lol.
found this a few days ago, but yeah, it's a nice response. :D
BB Image
added on the 2008-12-11 19:51:50 by havoc havoc
The one where they ask the lawyers to go fuck themselves with retractable batons is my favorite. But I guess it's hard to come up with new stuff after the 1000th threat.
added on the 2008-12-11 20:14:43 by El Topo El Topo
Maali: you find tpb's replies any childish ? i found them fearless! no matter how wrong or right they are.

almost everybody wouldn't have the balls to reply that way to a flock of threatening lawyers from big corporations.
added on the 2008-12-11 20:19:34 by Zest Zest
TPB told you it was hardcore.

And sorry almighty reed :(((((((((((
added on the 2008-12-11 21:16:42 by shock__ shock__
"fearless" doesn't mean courageous though - "an infant is fearless when entering the lion's den"
added on the 2008-12-11 21:21:00 by Gargaj Gargaj
I find it childish too. Without thinking in the text itself, just the act of publishing it is childish and attention-whoring.

And about fearless... I believe it is not. It is very easy to do it from a keyboard and signing as "anakata" and not even with your full name.

Francisco Javier Román Cortés (aka texel)
added on the 2008-12-11 21:38:09 by texel texel
When greedy idiots send you 1000s of totally baseless legal threats that are supposed to scare you I think it's a very appropriate way to respond. Public ridicule & telling them to go fuck themselves.

As for fearlessness, it doesn't seem to be foolhardy since TPB is still going strong after all these years and that mail *was* addressed to him by his real name so what he signed it as didn't really make a difference now, did it?
added on the 2008-12-11 21:50:48 by slux slux
yeah, anakata's real life identity as tpb administrator has been known and published, specially since their servers were raided.
added on the 2008-12-11 22:19:37 by Zest Zest
I've recieved such letter once myself. :) (I'm running rtorrent on a VPS in Hosteurope :D)
added on the 2008-12-12 00:37:27 by masterm masterm
When idiots send you 1000s of spam e-mails you can only look like an even bigger idiot by actually replying.
added on the 2008-12-12 11:04:13 by havoc havoc
shockwave: if you look closely at the time of my post, i think you'll find i did it 12 seconds after yours. if you think about that for a while, i think you'll find i was replying to muerto, not you.
added on the 2008-12-12 14:21:14 by reed reed
first the years, now the seconds. Reed: The TimeMaster!
added on the 2008-12-12 15:18:59 by BarZoule BarZoule
He can tell you the day of the week on fridays too!
added on the 2008-12-12 15:48:58 by psonice psonice
Except that it ain't really spam.
added on the 2008-12-12 15:53:25 by slux slux
stop contradicting yourself... if those e-mails are "baseless" as you claim, it's spam for sure.
added on the 2008-12-12 16:08:49 by havoc havoc
Somebody needs to look up the definition of spam...
added on the 2008-12-12 16:42:19 by slux slux
