Arbitrary wires thread
category: general [glöplog]
I have always been fascinated by wires. Lots of 'em. Especially 'american' style without any system or order or whatever.
This can't be in the US.
This thread is, um, quite original.
Yes. Posting images is very original indeed.
That said..
That said..
even the thread title itself is a triumph
huge success.
kuta/bali/2006, harmless cabling style, they have much better ones ;)
gloom stole my idea :(
some of those middle-east/asia (?) street pics really look quite scary. your chance of getting electrocuted *= 1024 there, at least. then again, that might not be their biggest of issues :)
this one is the best imo:
Don't let it die!
Tubes are good too!
But no ribbons. Listen, no ribbons!