A question about TASM (Turbo Assembler)
category: general [glöplog]
Now I know why programs assembled with TASM often result in larger .com files than when assembled with FASM:
Instead of e.g.
TASM generates the following code:
All instructions which write an immediate value to the stack are assembled this way. Thus the file gets considerably larger. Is there a way to prevent TASM from doing this?
Instead of e.g.
push 0A000h
pop es
TASM generates the following code:
push ax
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov [bp+word ptr 2],0A000h
pop bp
pop es
All instructions which write an immediate value to the stack are assembled this way. Thus the file gets considerably larger. Is there a way to prevent TASM from doing this?
go away
How about using nasm.
sho sho go away
It's strange that guy who is so close hardcore size optimizing competitions for years, as main organizer, asks things like that. The same Adok?
lets get oldskool:
he´s a LAMER!
he´s a LAMER!
Isn't TASM like, from 1989?
yeah,but NASM is still top-notch...asm didnt change,haha...
oh,damn...it should have said TASM and should have been sarkastic....i´m in bed now,ashamed!
Found the answer: 80186 instructions must be enabled. E.g. .286 will do it. By default TASM uses only the 8086 instruction set. PUSH with immediate value was introduced with 80186.
CASM is better