Random "when game was done rite" thread.
category: general [glöplog]

Under-rated game... shame it never took off. (can't find screenshots online)

Rollcage stage II - fucking <3
Deux Ex, System Shock II and the Thief Series FTW.

Crystal Quest <3

Lol i just came on here to put up Pod, one of the best multiplayer type racing games. King of fun for lan based racing has always been Carmageddon for me and we used to take 2 hour lunch breaks to play it hah.
When it comes to offline hotseat Multiplayer Strategy fun, nothing can beat Warlords II.
Does anybody else played it?

Does anybody else played it?

Kings Quest in CGA quality!

Almost forgot about the greatest multiplayer game ever:

Too bad i don't have a console anymore that runs it. I'm crossing my fingers for a new/PS3 version.

Too bad i don't have a console anymore that runs it. I'm crossing my fingers for a new/PS3 version.
Heroes Of Might and Magic 3:

Too bad the game series got worse after third one, which is still awesome game.

Too bad the game series got worse after third one, which is still awesome game.

i <3 this game ; ;'
Die Siedler 2 :) Anyone else played it in split-screen with two mice connected to the computer? :)


(great courts 2 for amiga 500)

(boulder dash for c64)

(camel try arcade)
(viewpoint arcade)

(galaga 90 on pc-engine)

(wipeout 2097 for PSX)

STUPID BITCH! Get out of my way.
That game really made me rage.

apocalypse (psx) one of the very few games with a irl actor. great gameplay (basically 3d shoot'em up in vein of commando) with lots of enemies, weapons, great oneliners spoken by bruce himself, impressive boss fights and explosive action done in hi-budget hollywood action style.
Buckethead: renegade for cpc rocked! i remember playing it until the levels started from beginning and it finally crashed (which was not so common at these times ;-)
anyway another great game: M.U.D.S.

anyway another great game: M.U.D.S.

@Shadez: You shou try out the Kings Bounty remake, it's stunningly good, and afterall it was Kings Bounty that spawned the Might and Magic series.