Random line of code thread
category: code [glöplog]
echo '</body></html>';
(the smallest program afaik)
What about just rts? Both opcodes are 2 bytes but rts is just 3 chars vs. 7 for illegal =) And don't tell me it's not a program, it's a perfectly valid program that does nothing :D
stingray: a program with no code would assemble as well: i win!
no you lose, how is a program without code a program?
return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode_string).encode('ASCII', 'replace')
stingray, just like the empty set is a set?
more formally, the program without code is probably defined as the language that accepts no strings at all. clearly, that is a well-defined program. it's even super awesomely platform and programming language independent! i could port it to befunge with relative ease. for instance.
more formally, the program without code is probably defined as the language that accepts no strings at all. clearly, that is a well-defined program. it's even super awesomely platform and programming language independent! i could port it to befunge with relative ease. for instance.
quisten2: sounds like brainfuck, the programming language
okay, let me enter a single space into the editor: i am teh win! :)
two spaces anyone?
just for fun, os4 friendly double buffer switch, with tmp rastport struct managed to make cgx's scalepixelarray work:
_pScreenToRefresh->m_pRenderRastPort->BitMap = _pScreenToRefresh->m_pBuffer2->sb_BitMap;
_pRenderInfo->m_srcHeight ,
// wait bottom of video frame:
IGraphics->WaitBOVP( &(_pScreenToRefresh->ds_IntuitionScreen->ViewPort) );
while( IIntuition->ChangeScreenBuffer(_pScreenToRefresh->ds_IntuitionScreen, _pScreenToRefresh->m_pBuffer2) == 0 )
// printf(" double buffer swap error\n");
IGraphics->WaitBOVP( &(_pScreenToRefresh->ds_IntuitionScreen->ViewPort) ); // wait again.
// swap screen buffers:
struct ScreenBuffer *pswap= _pScreenToRefresh->m_pBuffer2;
_pScreenToRefresh->m_pBuffer2 = _pScreenToRefresh->m_pBuffer1;
_pScreenToRefresh->m_pBuffer1 = pswap ;
ccm query
bpl.findSegmentIdxNearXY(normCursorX, normCursorY, 64 * scalex, float(Viewport.width) / HEIGHT, mouseover_idx_p, mouseover_idx_c1, mouseover_idx_c2);
Earx: You still lose. :D Also: $4e75 > $4AFC so I win!!!111 \o/
$filelink = make_link(array(ARG_SITE => -1, ARG_ACTION => ACT_SHOWFILE, ARG_PAGEID => $_qb_arguments[ARG_PAGEID], ARG_PATH => str_replace('/', '__', $basepath), ARG_FILE => str_replace('/', '__', $v['_file'])));
byte =(byte & (pos^0xFF)) | (value?pos:0);
int main() {
l10: printf("hallo \\n");
l20: goto l10;
void main(){for(;;){printf("### narf, poit zort ###\n");}
With particles.particle(particles.used(i))
dbra d0,.recop_palette 5*(4+64+3)+1 => 356+17 => 373
http://www.bernardbelanger.com/computing/NaDa/index.php Smallest program ever, already done.
btw, random line of code:
btw, random line of code:
random line of code:
class Life(){
class Life(){
void live() {