
Demoscene's Day

category: general [glöplog]
For in the evening the scene did die. It looked upon the sceners, who gave it a beer, a new demo, several inane pouet comments, a pixeled vision of something old, something new, and several new musical adaptation of life, a new effect, an old effect, an argument over platforms, the greatest demo yet made, the bottle of vodka, and the middle finger salute. And the scene did say "Death, Life, Celebration, what is this when you have scene?"

Then it woke up and was told to shut the hell up, and it flipped everyone off. And all smiled.
the day the first demo was released it should be. the first independence release of the demO that was not a cracktro or an intro. when was it? should ask old sceners and try figure it out... if someone bothers...
Must be the day when Commodore 64 was invented because the demoscene was born with it.
added on the 2004-01-06 18:21:30 by khrome khrome
Day of the tentacle blobtro !!
i have to agree with trace, the day second reality really was the "second rennaisanse" of the demoscene. :)
added on the 2004-01-06 19:19:15 by gloom gloom
