Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

640 pages should be enough for everyone

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no fail but space-cut!

Barack, let me show you something important. This Oval Office doorknob sticks, and it can lock when you don’t want it to.
When that happens, you have to walk all the way around to the tourist entrance and stand in line. Mighty embarrassing!
I usually put a book there to prop it open. They’ll bring you a thing called the Daily Brief, and that works good.
Now, I don’t know if they told you, but the house comes unfurnished. Not a stick of furniture. You can go to Ikea and buy your own stuff, like we did when the Clintons left, but you gotta put that together.
We got some nice stuff here, and I’m sure we can agree on a fair price to just leave it for you guys. Here, let me show you the candy machine…

Armani sunglasses - 300 $
golden Nike air special edition sneakers - 500 $
getting photographed when you step right into a turd - [priceless]
golden Nike air special edition sneakers - 500 $
getting photographed when you step right into a turd - [priceless]
Ooo! Prick-shaped engine...
Here's another use for a stirling engine:

Here's another use for a stirling engine:

in denmark there are dog turd everywhere. I step in them at least 1 time per year and its soo nasty.

Ach ! Marseille streets, a great place for the dog turd karma
You can teach dogs to drive small mopeds and smell low blood sugar. Can't one train them to pick up their own crap?