
A little more decency, please?

category: general [glöplog]
I am very uncomfortable about the whole Adok/Unssi controversy which is going on at the moment. Not as much about what they did, but how the Pouët community (yes, we are, kind of) is handling it.

I don't know much about Adok. I don't know if he is much different from us psychologically, or if he has a social problem, or if he is a racist, and I probably wouldn't miss him if he left, like what some of you are trying to make him do.

I know this is mostly an internet based community, and that there is a certain distance between people and their actions, and it makes you do silly things once in a while, but the current way which some of you are treating Adok and it goes by as "acceptable" is horribly wrong. Much more wrong than slipping a stupid IQ theory into a diskmag.

Try looking at it from a distance instead of being shortsighted, for once: this is really really bad, much worse than any other recent event on Pouët.

We have a kind of serious situation here, and the way we treat it has a kind of serious impact on Adok and our way of looking at each other, all the shit aside. When you are going for the man, and not the argument, it's really important to keep a dialogue instead of just throwing hate at him until he gets enough, because even if that might seem to be the only way to get rid of him, you are putting your own integrity and respect (or whatever you have left of it here) at stake. At least I am starting to wonder what I am doing here when things like that gets accepted.

Just had to let it out.
I have to say word before someone says bass.
added on the 2008-11-10 08:54:09 by Optimus Optimus
added on the 2008-11-10 08:55:22 by Optimus Optimus
If it were anyone else, I'd agree. However, it's Adok, and I see no point in wasting sense, reason and civility on someone who militantly ignores it.

The Unssi article is just the tip of the iceberg.
added on the 2008-11-10 08:56:26 by jobe jobe
Buksevann til graga!
added on the 2008-11-10 08:59:37 by Proteque Proteque
But, Jori [NOSUPPORTFORHUGI, cannot see your real name], how Adok reacts to you being sensisble, reasonable, and civil should not be the deciding factor to wether you are so.
---"to wether you should be so."
I vote: more fucktros.
added on the 2008-11-10 09:11:53 by Proteque Proteque
word. sometimes the treatment was over the top, also IMO...
i vote for fair one-on-one bare-knuckle-fights at demoparties instead!
added on the 2008-11-10 09:23:39 by v3nom v3nom
When you are going for the man, and not the argument, it's really important to keep a dialogue instead of just throwing hate at him until he gets enough, because even if that might seem to be the only way to get rid of him, you are putting your own integrity and respect (or whatever you have left of it here) at stake.

You're rigth, Lord Graga. I think the shame. Unfortunately, I do not believe that the main editor of Hugi will learn, at last, about his mistakes.

It would be great if he decides to stop including "controversial articles" in Hugi.

I recent talk a little chat with him on irc. He describes himsefl as "a serious man, very diligent and productive". So, Adok (please) try to be serious and learn about your mistakes for one time at least. Do not repeat the same error twice. Think about why some people are so disgusting with you. And, if you consider yourself intelligent, behave yourself and take upon you the consequences of your acts.
added on the 2008-11-10 09:27:06 by ham ham
I wholeheartedly agree with the conclussion of your last paragraph, ham. (God, that sounds awfully nerdy.)
Oh, stupid typos. I mean, "You're right, Lord Graga. I think the same."

added on the 2008-11-10 09:30:56 by ham ham
There will always be people who feel sorry for bad people. There are women who send letters to child rapers in prison. There are women who feel sorry for that Austrian old man who kept and raped his children in his cellar. Probably you are having the same kind of symptoms?

I hate bullying, but Adok had it coming. And it is unfair to say that the demoscene community always treats him badly. Take a look at the feedback for hugi 34, it's really quite positive. So people are still able to judge objectively, even if it something made by Adok.

He just crossed the line too many times and he does not want to take responsibility at all. We are all stupid and he is the brilliant man with brilliant theories. Well fuck that.
Someone said BB Image here.

Ok,. back to topic now :P
added on the 2008-11-10 09:47:43 by Optimus Optimus
Before someone can learn from his mistakes, he must first learn to admit that he's even able to make mistakes.
added on the 2008-11-10 09:48:56 by jobe jobe
What if he doesn't see the particular case as a mistake? What if he still thinks that jasoft had the right to publish this article? Or what if he doesn't see any reason of apologising now that the act is done? Should he be forced to apologise for something he doesn't believe is wrong?
added on the 2008-11-10 10:03:48 by Optimus Optimus
Read carefully what optimus just wrote.. he's got the biggest point in this thread yet!

Besides graga, i see what you mean, but adok has done these kinds of "mistakes" loads of time before. But people just had enough, every single explanation for his "acts" have been used, there's nothing left to do but bashing until we reach the Bare Knuckle[tm] fight.

But, Graga, very thoughtfull of you, but it's a waste of time and energy when its about adok. Simple as that.
added on the 2008-11-10 10:24:58 by dwarf dwarf
obama would agree with this message, but but but adok is the one who totally exposes his egocentric life and keeps perpetrating the very same shameful acts who put co-writers and hugi participants in an awkward position : could adok be *responsible* for once and not act like a self-centred child ?
added on the 2008-11-10 10:44:11 by Zest Zest
to be clear i wouldn't bother about adok and his little personality at all IF he weren't talking in the name of the demoscene, especially in his editorials >:(
added on the 2008-11-10 10:47:35 by Zest Zest
I don't really give a fuck about Adok or Unssi.
added on the 2008-11-10 10:53:25 by okkie okkie
Also, that blaze chick is awesome and has the most sexy moves ever in a beat em up!!!
added on the 2008-11-10 11:07:30 by Optimus Optimus
Unfortunately, I do not believe that the main editor of Hugi will learn, at last, about his mistakes.

Hugi is at issue 35 now, and he still hasn't learned shit, so yeah; I'd say that's highly unlikely. :)
added on the 2008-11-10 11:47:14 by gloom gloom
I'm not pitying him, I agree that he needs to learn from his idiocy the hard way and be a man and take responsibility. I just think that it would be way more civilized to ban him than to overload him with hate.
