Yet another GOOGLE world domination thread...
category: general [glöplog]
it's not really relevant, iphone doesn't have 90%+ of the market. It's just another phone competing with all the others. If you think about it, Nokia has something like 10x more market share than apple, and many of their most popular phones don't allow any software to be installed at all :)
About Chrome; if it gets a good enough quota of people changing from firefox with adblocks to it, it would result in a good profit.
I believe they have done it just as a test, to see how good it would work
I believe they have done it just as a test, to see how good it would work
[quopte]I'm sure they originally had a little more in mind, but that's what it boils down to now. Generally, it seems that Google is a company with the attention span of a five year old. Every other day, they have a new idea that ends up as yet another - barely useful - beta project.[/quote]
I think it was an exercise in a different mechanism of lazynet initiation. Google constantly publishes white papers on how this or that can be improved. But people read them and nothing happens.
Its like telling a developer, hey you should do it this way.
Developer Fuck off, do you know how hard that would be, i am writing a script to scour jj for face recognised porn
But if instead of writing essays on the benefit of Just in time javascript virtualisation(or any other) they just give an example, some guy is going to be like what a bunch of muppets, i can do that better.
I doubt theyt seriously ever thought that they could make any serious dent in the market share, people take so much effort to move or sway. 8 out of 10 people still happily use internet explorer.
For me it resulted in removing ads before they can even get to the browser, using HostsMan, so i guess it backfired since now ads are blocked in all browsers and i am now about a million times less likely to see them. Does it really matter since i have never clicked on them? Exept for that punch the monkey ad that used to be around in 2000.
My flatmate woke me up at 2 am being fucking stupid and kicking a ball against the wall at 2 am in the carpark so you get shitty ramblings of a woken up guy. Enjoy.
I think it was an exercise in a different mechanism of lazynet initiation. Google constantly publishes white papers on how this or that can be improved. But people read them and nothing happens.
Its like telling a developer, hey you should do it this way.
Developer Fuck off, do you know how hard that would be, i am writing a script to scour jj for face recognised porn
But if instead of writing essays on the benefit of Just in time javascript virtualisation(or any other) they just give an example, some guy is going to be like what a bunch of muppets, i can do that better.
I doubt theyt seriously ever thought that they could make any serious dent in the market share, people take so much effort to move or sway. 8 out of 10 people still happily use internet explorer.
About Chrome; if it gets a good enough quota of people changing from firefox with adblocks to it, it would result in a good profit.
I believe they have done it just as a test, to see how good it would work
For me it resulted in removing ads before they can even get to the browser, using HostsMan, so i guess it backfired since now ads are blocked in all browsers and i am now about a million times less likely to see them. Does it really matter since i have never clicked on them? Exept for that punch the monkey ad that used to be around in 2000.
My flatmate woke me up at 2 am being fucking stupid and kicking a ball against the wall at 2 am in the carpark so you get shitty ramblings of a woken up guy. Enjoy.
Fuck you complex bb syntax
Your fucking dumb monopoly thread makes as much sense as being upset about this:



Some people are just jealous that Chrome doesn't come for Amigaaaa!
I think google's selfpromo is awesome, I just don't get how the same itchy nerds who wear "omfg google is so awesome that i squirt everything i fire up chrome"-tshirts are the same guys who laugh about microsoft jokes and shouted boo when they pushed Netscape out of the market (and good riddance).
I mean, Google Docs is a joke compared to MS Office. Gmail's interface is less efficient to work with than the first Outlook Express ever released. I just really don't see how Google became so hip and cool when all they did was port existing applications to javascript badly. What's so awesome about these services that we didn't have for fifteen years already? That it runs in a browser? Just that? Am I the only guy here with a laptop?
I mean, Google Docs is a joke compared to MS Office. Gmail's interface is less efficient to work with than the first Outlook Express ever released. I just really don't see how Google became so hip and cool when all they did was port existing applications to javascript badly. What's so awesome about these services that we didn't have for fifteen years already? That it runs in a browser? Just that? Am I the only guy here with a laptop?
"omfg google is so awesome that i squirt everything i fire up chrome"-tshirts
I want this!
skrebbel: the google apps are great in their own way. Gmail is good because it's free, works with a pop/imap client, has tons of storage and a good webmail interface (which, yeah, isn't as good as a real client, but when you've not got your laptop with you it's infinitely better than nothing at all). The other apps are good in the same way, +/- their varying level of quality..
But yeah, google is just another company providing some services. They've done nothing nearly as bad as the stuff microsoft has so far, but hey there's time :)
But yeah, google is just another company providing some services. They've done nothing nearly as bad as the stuff microsoft has so far, but hey there's time :)
why [ggl-fans] are the same guys who laugh about microsoft jokes and shouted boo when they pushed Netscape out of the market
that all goes together! Google is a competitor of MS. The enemy of your enemy is your friends, isn't it ?
And they are overexcited brainless shouting monkeys, that doesn't help.
and yeah even if gmail is not was not as good as outlook 10 yrs ago, at least it's better than the old hotmail, which was way better than the current hot^H^H^Hlivemail. And gtalk is much simpler, way less bloated, than MSN/Live Messenger, that can help them get some sympathy.