Yet another GOOGLE world domination thread...
category: general [glöplog]
Remind me again WTF aren't they sued like Microsoft was over and over again?

i never got that either.
when you bought windows, you had to buy internet explorer with it. youtube, on the contrary, is free, and chrome is just an ad.
but yeah, i never understood the whole suit either.
but yeah, i never understood the whole suit either.
The suit wasn't so complex.
Before IE there was a market for browsers, competition etc. After: you got a pc, it already had a browser, why would you pay somebody else for one? And if you had an old computer, microsoft was giving you the browser for free. They totally crushed the competition, giving them very little chance to get new customers and no chance of profit.
Plus, they were paying all the OEMs to refuse netscape, etc. No wonder they got over 90% market share very fast :)
Microsoft have a long, long history of fucking over competitors like that in really bad and usually illegal ways, it's a big part of the reason so many people hate them.
Before IE there was a market for browsers, competition etc. After: you got a pc, it already had a browser, why would you pay somebody else for one? And if you had an old computer, microsoft was giving you the browser for free. They totally crushed the competition, giving them very little chance to get new customers and no chance of profit.
Plus, they were paying all the OEMs to refuse netscape, etc. No wonder they got over 90% market share very fast :)
Microsoft have a long, long history of fucking over competitors like that in really bad and usually illegal ways, it's a big part of the reason so many people hate them.
so now advertising is a crime?
When your product has < 1% market share (and falling), you need all the advertising you can get. ;)
Go for it, google!
google (the company) sucks donkey balls. they're getting far too big and powerful.
Google can't make user interfaces.
Hm, I never got why Microsoft is sued for bundeling IE with Windows while Apple bundles a whole lot of software with their OS...
that's of course because mac sucks and doesn't have any real software.
Eh? Google OWNS YouTube, so they might as well use it to plug their browser.
Google owns!
Google owns!
besides, google gets lawsuits too.. think of their bookstore that started in 2005.. they got a major copyright violation thing there but only recently they managed to twist that into an arrangement so that everyone makes money and is happy!
Remind me again WTF aren't they sued like Microsoft was over and over again?
Because they are not evil, their slogan even says so silly willy!
Joghurt: excellent! :D
src: hint: it has something to do with market share
Because they dont violate as many laws. Chrome is a tech demo to stimulate the development of JS in other browsers making Google suite more competative.
Instead of the ms route where they create a series of stickers vendors can put on their pcs, google shows a better way, it gets adopted, or not.
Anyone remember icq dieing after msn got snuck into every 14 year old girl's computer?
Instead of the ms route where they create a series of stickers vendors can put on their pcs, google shows a better way, it gets adopted, or not.
Anyone remember icq dieing after msn got snuck into every 14 year old girl's computer?
Joghurt. Cute and scary.
Chrome is a tech demo to stimulate the development of JS in other browsers making Google suite more competative.
I'm sure they originally had a little more in mind, but that's what it boils down to now. Generally, it seems that Google is a company with the attention span of a five year old. Every other day, they have a new idea that ends up as yet another - barely useful - beta project.
Hm, I never got why Microsoft is sued for bundeling IE with Windows while Apple bundles a whole lot of software with their OS...
Notice how microsoft are still bundling IE with windows? That wasn't the main issue... building it into the OS so you can't uninstall it, and paying the PC makers to stop bundling netscape etc. were the big problems, they were blocking access to the market. That and the monopoly they had in the pc market, so if they do that the competitors stand zero chance...
Apple is a bit different, as they're not stopping anyone from bundling it with osx based computers, and they don't own almost all of the market. It's easy to uninstall safari too, you just drag the icon into the bin.
Having said that though, if apple take over microsoft's monopoly they'll have a whole ton of trouble for quicktime ;)
What about the iphone then ? There is a public SDK but Apple refuses any app that competes with their own apps.Apple is a bit different, as they're not stopping anyone from bundling it with osx based computers, and they don't own almost all of the market. It's easy to uninstall safari too, you just drag the icon into the bin.