Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
I 'm amazed nobody has posted a photoshopped picture of "the black house" yet.
Here you go
scoutski, that's the negative house.
Try the real thing! Accept no imitations!
Alas, the real thing can't dispense soap :)
I've heard it can dispense a liquid of similar viscosity, though ;)
WANT Commodore OBAMA and soap-boobs!
Joghurt, you have tot test it in real world
excellent tobe cqfd
curlyhead screamed for him being replaced :D
I think the Frenchies got fuckken style in making computers!
Interesting arrows... and what are those "glasses"? (next to display)
It's the modem, that's where you put down the telephone handset.
Its actually an acoustic coupler :P