my explanations (i feel ashamed)
category: residue [glöplog]
it was really funny to discuss with adok about the intelligence and i really found it funny that he wanted to publish that article. if you use google you find it's almost cut and paste from another article and wikipedia. but i feel pretty ashamed that i used adok's trust to bring the hugi down. but i do hate hugi very much and especially magic so i wanted to use something to bring the hugi down :) btw. i don't know if i'm able to come to parties anymore you would lynch me even tho i don't believe the thing i wrote. but adok was really agreeing the original article and i found it really lulzworthy to write article about intelligence in very controversial way :)
yeah that really sounds like you feel ashamed
i'm but i'm not apologizing. fuck hugi
that's low
yeah, hugi sucks for giving publicity to a lame troll like you.
That just makes it sound even worse. So not only are you responsible for a racist article, you admit you did it to persecute and sabotage an individual.
It's not the first time you've gone to such extents to harrass someone either, is it? I really think you have a problem!
It's not the first time you've gone to such extents to harrass someone either, is it? I really think you have a problem!
i actually decided to quit the scene or not quit the scene because i was never really part of demoscene anyway. no drama. i feel like i can't show my face at the parties after this incident. and stuff i made sucked anyway :)
what Wade said. for the rest, I was surprised it was Europe you think is superior and not Finland only. yep, really surprising from you, in a good way.
To continue where Wade left of:
So not only are you responsible for a racist article, you admit you did it to persecute and sabotage an individual and the only way you could think of was doing that by ripping pieces of text that other people wrote in the past?
Don't worry that anyone will do anything to you at a demoparty: you're obviously not worth any attention all.
So not only are you responsible for a racist article, you admit you did it to persecute and sabotage an individual and the only way you could think of was doing that by ripping pieces of text that other people wrote in the past?
Don't worry that anyone will do anything to you at a demoparty: you're obviously not worth any attention all., you did it just to see if Adok would publish it? :|
i actually decided to quit the scene or not quit the scene because i was never really part of demoscene anyway.
Fuck off mate, you're a bloody spastic.
Let me quote from #ukscene earlier today:
<syphus> I bet dark == uns3en
<syphus> Although despite that article having clearly been written by a drbbling moron, it still manages to achieve heights of eloquence and literacy that uns3en could only dream of
So I'm not surprised you had to fucking copy and paste it.

Is it this wikipedia article?
Unseen, maybe you should read Adoks article about shizoid personality disorder.
Unseen, maybe you should read Adoks article about shizoid personality disorder.
you all suck, the scene sucks, discmags suck, everything sucks!
and your code sucks too. i had to fix it AGAIN.
Gargaj: Could you fix my code, too?
oh ho ho, fake plastic drama ! and i was enjoying the illusion :(

draamaunssi is dramatic