VJ/visualization software for gig (OSX = love, win32 = "ok")
category: general [glöplog]
I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think it plays the sound of the videos... I'll have to ask shine.
resolume 3 has some pretty amazing stuff for video with sound, or sound itself, it's definately worth checking out. like, you can adjust your loops to the length of your sound samples, etc...
Trace: damn - I wanted to use captures of some of the demos that feature my music, replace the music in the AVI-files with versions that have some elements missing (but keeping the track in sync with the video) and then play those elements live on top.
my software, designed in part for making visualizations of music.. not very friendly on fading between different stuff or mixing, but that's gonna be fixed eventually in the form of a FFGL plug.
now also opensource (GPL)!
my software, designed in part for making visualizations of music.. not very friendly on fading between different stuff or mixing, but that's gonna be fixed eventually in the form of a FFGL plug.
now also opensource (GPL)!
nice, that missile command symphony =)
j, man, the vsxu interface rocks.