
Job in Stockholm?

category: general [glöplog]
Do somone has it i can take it :P
try the mcdonalds at slussen.
added on the 2008-10-11 19:49:00 by uncle-x uncle-x
Or the one at the central station..
added on the 2008-10-11 20:03:35 by Frost Frost
BB Image
added on the 2008-10-11 21:30:20 by hollowman hollowman
\o/ slussen. the coolest place in sthlm!
added on the 2008-10-11 21:56:59 by skrebbel skrebbel
ta bussen till slussen
added on the 2008-10-11 22:08:33 by nosfe nosfe
lige op i kussen!
if you start at mcdonalds at slussen you will work close to tbl and fairlight.
added on the 2008-10-11 23:00:49 by pantaloon pantaloon
Would totally be worth it :P
uncle-x, when you were visiting you didnt happen to taste the great pizzas at "bertlids" at slussen ? if not, you really missed something.!
added on the 2008-10-12 01:17:36 by pantaloon pantaloon
pantaloon we ended up having lunch at some completely random almost empty place below the mcdonalds. I had fish. It wasn't very good.
added on the 2008-10-12 01:43:12 by uncle-x uncle-x
bittin: what part of: "global Credit Crunch and recession" do you not understand?
added on the 2008-10-12 01:44:07 by button button
