Banks go bancrupt, World financial crisis. What will my Glöps be worth tomorrow?
category: general [glöplog]
What will my Glöps be worth tomorrow?
can we add an umlaut to it? :D
put a donk on it!
i'd like to exchange my all glöbs for t-shirts right now!
what about thumbs up and cdc's in productions you've worked in.
1 cdc: 10 sacks of flour
10 cdc: lifetime supply of eggs
30 cdc: cow and 5 chicken
1000 thumbs up: radiation protection mask
3000 thumbs up: Geiger meter
1 cdc: 10 sacks of flour
10 cdc: lifetime supply of eggs
30 cdc: cow and 5 chicken
1000 thumbs up: radiation protection mask
3000 thumbs up: Geiger meter
Good news, everybody! Pouet glöps can now be exchanged for stocks in Lehman Brothers. For more details, see this site!
This is what happened to Commodore. Now everyone can feel how it was!
Btw, buy tents, guns and gold. You're gonna lose your home and the money will be worthless soon. The pyramid game has collapsed - check what happened in Albania.
Btw, buy tents, guns and gold. You're gonna lose your home and the money will be worthless soon. The pyramid game has collapsed - check what happened in Albania.
fuck you, making fun of serious topics is fucking stupid.
mmm. demoscene affected by the crisis, who would have thought
@uns3en_ awh gosh :) Humor is the key to solving this problem. Go out and spent that money on entertainment. Buy gameconsoles. Go to the movies. Rent hookers.
On a other side, economy is not only based on numbers, it is also based on the feeling that people have. At the end of the game there are still humans who make the choices. Please allow them to smile in front of all these disasters?
On a other side, economy is not only based on numbers, it is also based on the feeling that people have. At the end of the game there are still humans who make the choices. Please allow them to smile in front of all these disasters?
yes, i'm fucking scared... seriously.
unseen: just for your clueless knowledge, Analogue picked "glöp" from the favourite expression of that cartoon character named "pifou", who used to appear in the french communist youth magazine named "pif gadget" and used to say "glop" to mean "good" and "pas glop" to mean "bad"... JSYK.
lol, the big bous want all our property.
don't worry, we can keep the Glops...we wont be able to afford an internet connection anyhow.
don't worry, we can keep the Glops...we wont be able to afford an internet connection anyhow.
new pouet v2 feature request : a pouët stöck exchänge!
each glöp can be invested into buying some demogroup stöck that can be sold on the stöck market ; each stöck wins new glöps if the listed demogroup releases a demo on the podium of a listed demoparty.
each glöp can be invested into buying some demogroup stöck that can be sold on the stöck market ; each stöck wins new glöps if the listed demogroup releases a demo on the podium of a listed demoparty.
Maybe Pouet should nationalize all demogroups to avoid a Glöp inflation....
zest how do you know it's communist magazine ? are you communist ? i think you are fucking commie. no. seriously i think it was probably leftist magazine like some other bédé magazines back then... right ?
to be honest i've never read it, i'm too young (also wasn't raised in a communist family :p)
to be honest i've never read it, i'm too young (also wasn't raised in a communist family :p)
btw, french communism has played a major role in the first 3/4 of the 20th century french history, but now the french communist party is an zombie oddity, it should have changed its name a long time ago...
one part is apparently resurrecting under the new anticapitalist party label (NPA).
one part is apparently resurrecting under the new anticapitalist party label (NPA).
well typical magazines back then had some political background. but i probably didn't have any effect on contest...
anyway. i'm honestly scared of this situation, it's as scary as like fucking war or something to me at least...
well typical magazines back then had some political background. but i probably didn't have any effect on contest...
anyway. i'm honestly scared of this situation, it's as scary as like fucking war or something to me at least...
unseen: Technically, despite that it was a publication of the french communist party, you really had to know it to notice it :)
I don't remember any propaganda in it, and sure, it did not have things like uncle Scroudge, but no red logos either.
And yeah, the financial crisis is a big issue.
I don't remember any propaganda in it, and sure, it did not have things like uncle Scroudge, but no red logos either.
And yeah, the financial crisis is a big issue.
European Central Bank lowered interest rates
As for me, i just like to say "Haa Haa" and to point at things with my finger.
Like, "Haha, usa!" or.."Haha, Iceland!"
Anyone with a brain should have known from the beginning that all this "Newschool" investment banking will go down, real estate mongering without any real money, playing big when you are small etc. will lead to a total disaster...every 10 years or so. If you are scared NOW, you did take the wrong drugs, dude. While people are still crying, its time for me i'm going to buy my local bank with the glöps i have and a bendable air pipe made from aluminium. :)
Like, "Haha, usa!" or.."Haha, Iceland!"
Anyone with a brain should have known from the beginning that all this "Newschool" investment banking will go down, real estate mongering without any real money, playing big when you are small etc. will lead to a total disaster...every 10 years or so. If you are scared NOW, you did take the wrong drugs, dude. While people are still crying, its time for me i'm going to buy my local bank with the glöps i have and a bendable air pipe made from aluminium. :)