
Notebook got Stolen in Frankfurt

category: general [glöplog]
I know, it might sound senseless that i post it here, but twhat the heck.

looks like this is typical for me, since i lost my wallet two times but always got it back.

On friday, that asshole of co worker didnt let me go back to my town and i had to work overtime at construction site. I placed the black bag to our stuff and a short while after it was gone, only the othr stuff being there.

Maybe, if someone of you is in Frankfurt and walks by with that thing, punch him into the face for me.

BB Image

its a Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo L6810. A pretty rare notebook for it kind. It has got 1GB Ram, 250GB Harddisk and a DVd Writer with missing cover.
In the Case was also a half external harddisk cae with a 160gig harddrive, a few flash cards and notebok junk, as well as my yellow folder with my sketches.

So if there is a notebook like this in tht city, its probably mine. :P
If someone sees it, send me a mail or call the police, if they didnt forget already.

Reward guarnteed.

added on the 2008-10-01 19:32:08 by Exin Exin
I can see tommorrows headline:

Mysterious assaults on Notebook owners

added on the 2008-10-01 19:33:24 by Joghurt Joghurt
sorry to hear that man. i hope you'll get it back, but i can't really help.
Dont steal from sceners :(
stealing from sceners is like eating your grandma

after the burrying ceremony.
added on the 2008-10-01 20:37:04 by SilkCut SilkCut
Well, just in case someone lives there.
added on the 2008-10-01 21:40:25 by Exin Exin
Hey Exin, it was Frankfurt.
Be happy that they only stole your notebook.
Frankfurt is in criminal statistics similar to berlin...

So be happy, you are alive - you could´ve been robbed.
Or raped. Or robbed while beeing raped.

added on the 2008-10-01 21:53:14 by _docd _docd
Wow is it really that bad in Frankfurt or Germany in general? I always thought that overall the EU had a lower crime rate than North America.

added on the 2008-10-01 23:09:19 by Phred Phred
Good for you, now buy a proper laptop.
added on the 2008-10-01 23:13:52 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Hehe, yeah in frankfurt you better replace you iphone headphones with black cheapos :D
frankfurt is bad in comparison to the rest of germany.

your chances are not that good, but i will keep my eyes open ( i suppose i can't help either, but trying doesn't cost anything... does it? )
added on the 2008-10-01 23:17:46 by Cat Cat
Frankfurt did not seem too bad the 3 or 4 times I've been there. Maybe it's because I stayed in the center.. But I've walked quite a bit around the city with no problem.
added on the 2008-10-01 23:33:48 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Phred: eh? yes, we have a much lower crime-rate than in N.America. Exin misplacing his laptop and someone convieniently "finding" it doesn't suddenly make Eurrope the crime capital of the world. :P
added on the 2008-10-02 00:26:06 by button button
you should check ebay and other auction platforms, stuff turn up there pretty often
added on the 2008-10-02 00:54:55 by elkmoose elkmoose
TMB: Done a few times yet. But i suppose it was stolen by a certain "kind" of people who dont know about technics at all...
added on the 2008-10-02 22:44:51 by Exin Exin
i first thought he meant a notebook, as in the paper kind.
added on the 2008-10-02 23:21:02 by raymon raymon
remote desktop? web cam? ebay? can a machine's mac address or something be seen on internet somehow?

added on the 2008-10-03 00:44:43 by loaderror loaderror
is that the scheisse-guy in the article illustration? o_O
added on the 2008-10-03 00:48:48 by Gargaj Gargaj
Uh, i idnt write down the mac address of my wlan card, sorry. I thought about making up new messenger accounts to see that person when he plugs it into the web. But then, what will i get out of this besides a rude comment and the messenger being shut down...thee i no way to trace his ip, the law doesnt allow this here...
added on the 2008-10-03 02:44:39 by Exin Exin
Exin: Depending on which clients you have installed, there's at least a chance that you can get his IP (miranda f.e. can see the IP of other miranda users, also works with some other clients). and if you have that one, give it to the police. this is not illegal.
Wow is it really that bad in Frankfurt or Germany in general? I always thought that overall the EU had a lower crime rate than North America.

Of course it does, but that doesn't mean you can leave a laptop lying around anywhere and expect it to stay put. Also, crime statistics are worthless. ;)
added on the 2008-10-03 14:07:51 by doomdoom doomdoom
I was just curious.. I for sure know the Europeans enjoy a far better standard of living than the Americans. Being a European blooded Canadian I go back and fourth quite a bit and Canada is a lot like Europe in some ways but man we could sure borrow a few pages from your playbooks.... like... our train system is schiesse! :)
added on the 2008-10-04 17:45:44 by Phred Phred
I for sure know the Europeans enjoy a far better standard of living than the Americans.

Interesting, most people seem to claim the opposite, especially those who've lived in both places.
added on the 2008-10-04 17:52:23 by Sverker Sverker
Interesting, most people seem to claim the opposite, especially those who've lived in both places.

Stop watching soap operas from the 80ies.
added on the 2008-10-04 18:01:11 by Calexico Calexico
added on the 2008-10-04 18:08:24 by Sverker Sverker
