Most disgusting guy ever: Edward Bernays
category: general [glöplog]
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Edward Louis Bernays (November 22, 1891 – March 9, 1995) is considered one of the fathers of the field of public relations [...] Bernays was one of the first to attempt to manipulate public opinion using the psychology of the subconscious.
He felt this manipulation was necessary in society, which he regarded as irrational and dangerous as a result of the 'herd instinct'
One of Bernays' favorite techniques for manipulating public opinion was the indirect use of "third party authorities" to plead his clients' causes. "If you can influence the leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway," he said. In order to promote sales of bacon, for example, he conducted a survey of physicians and reported their recommendation that people eat heavy breakfasts. He sent the results of the survey to 5,000 physicians, along with publicity touting bacon and eggs as a heavy breakfast.
In Propaganda (1928), his most important book, Bernays argued that the manipulation of public opinion was a necessary part of democracy:
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.
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<<The engineering of consent is the very essence of the democratic process, the freedom to persuade and suggest.>>
– (Edward L. Bernays, "The Engineering of Consent," 1947)
you have no life.
apart from his foliba, what is so "most disgusting" about this guy?
disgusting ? you'll love GG Allin !
drink fight and fuck
apart from his foliba, what is so "most disgusting" about this guy?
Well, to say it fast:
Not only he is clearly not a democrat, but also It seems most of our thoughts and behaviours were programmed by this guy, or using his methods.
Bernays has been kind enough to publish books which explains these mechanisms, thus everybody can be conscient of techniques being used to manipulates his thoughts.
His book can be bought on Amazon which is not the case of internal scientology books on audition destabilization mechanisms...
His book can be bought on Amazon which is not the case of internal scientology books on audition destabilization mechanisms...
KR4808: you've only just heard of him? you disapoint me. He's a well known social engineer and along with him, his Grandaddy (freud) and a mass of other elitest swine, they are all responsible for this world's capitalistic and shallow selfishness and unrestrained greed (and all the symptoms that follow this mentality). Their philosophies are quite disturbing when you think they had (and still have) the blessing and support of most nations governments. their ideas are by now ingrained in society.
but anyway, doh_drd is correct. this stuff is out there and published. it's no "secret conspiracy". if people are to dumb, lazy and naive to delve deeper into the workings of our society then, quite frankly, they deserve to be tricked into living their lives for the benefit of corporations. they deserve to be feed on and have their souls and sense of humanity abliterated.
most people are too fat, ignorant and lazy to want to even try to see.
...perfect example of the naivity of most people.
but anyway, doh_drd is correct. this stuff is out there and published. it's no "secret conspiracy". if people are to dumb, lazy and naive to delve deeper into the workings of our society then, quite frankly, they deserve to be tricked into living their lives for the benefit of corporations. they deserve to be feed on and have their souls and sense of humanity abliterated.
most people are too fat, ignorant and lazy to want to even try to see.
apart from his foliba, what is so "most disgusting" about this guy?
...perfect example of the naivity of most people.
krabob. it's not hard to program most people, they are absent of any self-determination logic and simply follow what they consider to be "normality".
they never ask who is designing normality. they just execute the code, like a robot.
they never ask who is designing normality. they just execute the code, like a robot.
if people are to dumb, lazy and naive to delve deeper into the workings of our society then, quite frankly, they deserve to be tricked into living their lives for the benefit of corporations. they deserve to be feed on and have their souls and sense of humanity abliterated.
well spoken Roman! by the same measure, anyone is entitled to fuck anyone over who is smaller or stupider than himself, right?
make no mistake about it rephaim, people love their servitude so much that they will willingly take random lifes to preserve it. And why not?, do people not have a right to deliver themself into servitude, who are anyone to tell them that they should not?.
eebliss: a human would never deliver himself willingly into servitude. a human would sense even the subtle stealth servitude imposed upon us today and alarm bells would ring and voices would be raised.
only an animal happily lives in servitude. those "things" that is absent from most people who LOOK like humans today (a soul, humanity, self-determining logic) is what seperates humans from animals. and so most people today cannot be called humans. they are sheeple.
I have no sypathy for lambs to the slaughter, they are meat to feed on. Why should I have sympathy for those who allow themselves to be tricked and manipulated by psychopaths with a marginally higher degree of humanity than sheeple. At least people like Bernays have not lost their ability to THINK and use their own logic - in their own twisted way - to survive. You could say they are more human than most, but not quite.
only an animal happily lives in servitude. those "things" that is absent from most people who LOOK like humans today (a soul, humanity, self-determining logic) is what seperates humans from animals. and so most people today cannot be called humans. they are sheeple.
I have no sypathy for lambs to the slaughter, they are meat to feed on. Why should I have sympathy for those who allow themselves to be tricked and manipulated by psychopaths with a marginally higher degree of humanity than sheeple. At least people like Bernays have not lost their ability to THINK and use their own logic - in their own twisted way - to survive. You could say they are more human than most, but not quite.
I DO have sympathy for those who see what is going on around us and who are trying in vain to alert the sheeple and change society for the better (yes there are a few). it's painfull to see the remnants of real humanity being dragged down to the gutter by the ignorant majority. that hurts!
need a photo of romeo and juliette here plz !!
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wrong, now fixed!
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that's some high res scheisse you got there
most people are too fat, ignorant and lazy to want to even try to see.
Some peoples have just big bones!
It seems most of our thoughts and behaviours were programmed by this guy, or using his methods.
That's not disgusting. That's genius.
Some people have a bad taste and don't know when to stop:
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only an animal happily lives in servitude. those "things" that is absent from most people who LOOK like humans today (a soul, humanity, self-determining logic) is what seperates humans from animals. and so most people today cannot be called humans. they are sheeple.
Are you fucking retarded?
haha, krabob shoots the messenger!
within the limits of the law, yes. which, in western countries, usually requires some measure of a proactive "please fuck me over" attitude from the target, fortunately.
by the same measure, anyone is entitled to fuck anyone over who is smaller or stupider than himself, right?
within the limits of the law, yes. which, in western countries, usually requires some measure of a proactive "please fuck me over" attitude from the target, fortunately.
What knos said.
within the limits of the law, yes. which, in western countries, usually requires some measure of a proactive "please fuck me over" attitude from the target, fortunately.
Unless the "person" fucking the other happens to be a large corporation with lots of money.