Todays office findings...
category: general [glöplog]
The day is saved...our company moves to a new building and we have to get rid of old stuff...and I found a complete Amiga1000 with all accessories and a Atari 800xl with discdrive and stuff...chief says "take it if you want" girlfriend will be "happy as hell" when I return with some more oldskool hardware for sure! :D
uhh your company is storing floppies with your demos on it?!
Ok...needs some explanation:
My chief is former Jackal/Nuance who coded parts of the good old "Subtle Shades". ;)
He's the boss at the job...I'm the boss of the demogroup. A division that satisfies me. :D
He said: "There are still some unreleased things on that discs." Ahaaaaaaaaa! :D
My chief is former Jackal/Nuance who coded parts of the good old "Subtle Shades". ;)
He's the boss at the job...I'm the boss of the demogroup. A division that satisfies me. :D
He said: "There are still some unreleased things on that discs." Ahaaaaaaaaa! :D
Hehe nice!! I got some old Commodore 1084S Monitor from my old work!
ok that explains- just one mystery remains- is that 800xl where it all started? :)
Yep...he started coding on the Atari 800XL...have to get this whole stuff a bit cleaner and then I have a look if the discs and discdrives are still ahead! :D
i heard that a whole pile of amigas were thrown out here just before i started :( I've done will with old pcs and pc parts though, plus i've had quite a few macs (older ones, but reasonable).
Still, I'm hugely jealous of that pile of old hardware + disks ;)
Still, I'm hugely jealous of that pile of old hardware + disks ;)
Some bloke came up to me after a lecture I gave on Amiga demos and asked me if I could help him set up 30 A600s and 20 A1200s for a museum exhibit. Hooray! I think he's going to do a multi-input/one-bigscreen thingy, or something.
Good places to find old Amigas are TV stations that've had in-house subtitling. My girlfriend works for the BBC, who used to use Amigas with genlocks for overlaying subtitles. Sadly, she missed the opportunity to grab a shitload of video toaster/genlock/A1200/A4000 hardware when it was being dumped.
Good places to find old Amigas are TV stations that've had in-house subtitling. My girlfriend works for the BBC, who used to use Amigas with genlocks for overlaying subtitles. Sadly, she missed the opportunity to grab a shitload of video toaster/genlock/A1200/A4000 hardware when it was being dumped.
Good places to also find quite often a lot of C64 and Amigas and stuff is the electronic recycling here in the city. When I last were there dumping broken monitors, they had quite a bunch of old C=64...what a shame...
I still feel sad for not picking up a shitload of Atari Falcons when my school was selling them for about 20 euros a piece. :(
my best haul from somewhere i used to work:
2 x dreamcast devkits
1 x atari falcon
2 x dreamcast devkits
1 x atari falcon
Also quite a nice catch!
Dreamcast devkits make decent doorstops!
the dc devkits will probably be appearing on ebay as soon as i can be arsed to plug them in and wipe the hard disks. so if you're after a doorstop... ;)
Nah, we're using an old Xbox now to hold open the door (no joke :))
Paul, you've got a Falcon? Fucking hell. You selling? I wouldn't mind a DC devkit either.
You just told me on IRC what you'd want for the DC devkit, and you can get stuffed.
Haha! It's not what I want, it's what the market dictates! I'd love to sell it to you cheaper but capitalism won't let me.. sorry m8 ;'(
At least make it a bit cheaper and set the rule he has to release a demo on Dreamcast within two months then and release it on a small party! ;)
Cool find! Don't you love it when you come across personal artifacts. :)
I was rooting around on the net the other night and found an old Superfrog pic I got printed in Amiga power....
I'm feeling so old now.
I was rooting around on the net the other night and found an old Superfrog pic I got printed in Amiga power....
I'm feeling so old now.
Love it. I think I'll finally get a showcase for all my old computers. Polish them a bit and put them in there. That way I can tell my girlfriend they're precious antique things. Much more easy to get some room for all the stuff this way! ;)
Can you post the link to the page that contains the picture of yours?
Can you post the link to the page that contains the picture of yours?
This is the Amiga Power link...
Unfortunately I lost the original DPaint image years ago. :(
Unfortunately I lost the original DPaint image years ago. :(
I found this today:
It's expensive, in Danish and has a very limited inventory :-)
It's expensive, in Danish and has a very limited inventory :-)
oh, and I got 2 21" CRT screens at my last job and so far I've found two dockingstations in the bin